Upcoming Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty

The 2015 World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty will take place at the World Bank Headquarters in Washington, D.C. on March 23 – 27, 2015. The theme of the 16th annual conference is “Linking Land Tenure and Use for Shared Prosperity.”

The conference will feature USAID’s work designing, testing and evaluating innovative and cost-effective land tenure and property rights approaches around the globe that can be adapted, scaled, or used to inform new research, program design, or national policies. New research from USAID land and resource governance impact evaluations is building an evidence base to demonstrate how secure land tenure may improve economic growth, food security, climate change mitigation and adaptation efforts, and gender equality. This work will be highlighted in the following presentations:

As in past years, USAID will serve as a conference partner and sponsor. According to Tim Fella, USAID Senior Land and Resource Governance Specialist, “USAID invests in and is committed to the success of this annual conference because it is the premier land event, and one of the best opportunities to influence ideas and practice in property rights.”

The Conference provides an important venue to discuss and receive feedback on USAID’s land tenure work. If you are planning to attend the 2015 World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty, make sure to stop by USAID’s booth in the atrium for a hands-on demonstration of the technology being piloted by the Mobile Applications for Secure Tenure (MAST) project in Tanzania, a sneak preview of our soon-to-be launched e-newsletter, and your chance to win a printed version of the winning photo from the LTRM photo contest.

If you cannot attend, stay connected and up-to-date on USAID’s efforts to strengthen land tenure and property rights by following #LandRights on Twitter and by subscribing to USAID’s Land Tenure and Resource Management Media Scan.
