Tracking Land-Related SDGs: New Addition to the Land Portal

Photo by: UN Women

Today, the Land Portal launched a Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) section to track land-related SDGs. This is a joint initiative of the GLTN-GLII and the Land Portal Foundation, funded by the Omidyar Network.

UN member States endorsed the 2030 Agenda and committed to implementing the Sustainable Development Goals, a set of 17 Global Goals, in a 15-year period. Agenda 2030 contains land-related indicators under SDG 1, 2, 5, 11 and 15. Each goal includes specific targets and indicators addressing land. Many land organizations and stakeholders are committed to fully implementing the SDGs and to monitoring the land-related indicators in order to promote responsible land governance. Land is a major resource and cross-cutting component, critical to achieving the SDGs.

The SDG section on the Land Portal includes the targets and indicators related to land, a timeline of important decisions that have been made for indicators, and the site’s latest news and blogs on land and SDGs. New content will be published weekly, in concert with the GLTN and the SDSN.

Learn more about this initiative by clicking here.


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