This report summarizes the work of myself, international consultant Ban Saraf, providing assistance to the Burundi Policy Reform Project in carrying out Task 5.3.3 under the Victims of Torture component. The assignment included several activities and deliverables leading to the engagement and the participation of project partners in the formulation of draft advocacy campaign strategies to eradicate torture. Separate, informal reports were submitted throughout the assignment with findings and recommendations per activity.
Activities required by the terms of reference included roundtable meetings, training of trainers in Bujumbura and the interior in conducting advocacy campaigns, network assessment in the interior (four regions), demonstration in the interior of the development of an advocacy campaign strategy, assistance in a communication plan for International Day in Support of Victims of Torture activities, and assessment of NGOs in Bujumbura. Upon my arrival in Bujumbura, the terms of reference were refined to include a detailed schedule and expected deliverables. Accordingly, the following activities were delivered.