Resilience in the Sahel Enhanced is a United States Government initiative that aims to strengthen resilience in target vulnerable populations in the Sahel region so that crisis-based humanitarian assistance is required less frequently. REGIS-ER Project is one of the USAID partners carrying out the RISE initiative.
Second-year highlights
- 3800 hectares put under conservation farming, and 6000 hectares under farmer-managed natural regeneration, as these activities are scaled up and producers are already signing up for next year’s season
- Sustainability of water supply was improved as communes, local repair artisans, and REGIS-ER signed agreements that ensure manual pump repairs; 53 water points and 34 hand-operated pumps were repaired; 47 water management committees were trained
- CBSP including masons, welders, veterinarian workers, gardeners, and nursery managers as members of the private sector have earned 38.6 million FCFA ($US 67K) through contracts and sales of services and goods
- Self-managed credit and savings schemes (SECCA) set up in REGIS-ER Niger regions have reached more than a thousand households; recorded savings add up to 60 million FCFA ($US 104K) and loans of 205 million FCFA ($US 350K) have been disbursed to fund animal fattening, warehouse receipts, small commerce, purchase of inputs, fish sales
- More than 17,000 vulnerable stakeholders have been trained in climate change adaptation techniques that improve natural resource use and productivity
- The first local convention in Niger was integrated into the Commune Development Plan
- 1100 hectares of degraded lands were restored for tree or crop production by village producers in collaboration with World Food Programme
- More than 35,000 moringa and 38,000 baobab seedlings were distributed to vulnerable households for home gardening projects
- Community meals prepared in Mother-to-Mother groups are having an impact on behavior change; as one woman in Tibilindi village has said in Burkina Faso: “This is the first time that women from different households have eaten a meal together, from the same platter; this has made us into a closer group.”
- Husband schools were established in 136 villages of Niger and Burkina Faso, with more than 1,200 ‘model husbands’ identified to lead groups of men in learning about the ‘first 1,000 days’, mother and child nutrition, and family planning topics