EPI Assessment: State Procurement System of Georgia

Within the past year, the state procurement system of Georgia has undergone significant changes in terms of the legal framework for state procurement, the procedures and practices applied in the course of conduct procurement, and some of the institutional and organizational arrangements for the system. Foremost among those changes has been the introduction of the Electronic Procurement System (EPS), through which most procurement is now being conducted. That move, which is aimed at boosting efficiency and transparency in state procurement, as well as promoting competition and integrity, is widely acknowledged as being a very significant and bold forward step. While the introduction of the EPS and the other new aspects of the state procurement system are still quite recent, and attempting to make comprehensive and definitive assessment would be premature, it is nevertheless already possible to identify areas in which some midcourse adjustments and corrections and adjustments would be merited, as well as to identify strategic ways in which to solidify and build on the progress achieved, so that further strengthening and evolution of the system could be achieved. The report makes findings and recommendations in particular as to ways in which the legal framework can be further developed and improved, prioritize ways in which procurement procedures and practices can be further improved to maximize quality and value for money outcomes, steps to ameliorate low rates of supplier participation, and measures to increase the capacity of the procurement workforce.
