Work Plan Preparation and Revisions
The USAID AMPR contract is detailed and prescriptive with respect to activities and deliverables to be achieved for each IR. On June 19, 2019, USAID AMPR held a technical planning meeting with the Directors, Chefs des Services, and experts from the Ministry of Mines and Geology (MMG), including the Bureau d’Évaluation et de Contrôle de Diamant et d’Or (BECDOR). The COP, all Component Coordinators, and the MEL Officer represented the USAID AMPR project. The meeting, held at the Directorate of the MMG, was chaired by the Director General. The AMPR team initiated the discussions for the Year II Work Plan joint planning. The meeting proposed a participatory and inclusive approach of engaging MMG experts in contributing to the development of the work plan’s development. A nine-member technical committee, comprised of five MMG and four AMPR team members, was proposed to lead the technical analysis/discussions to contribute to the possible activities considered in the Year II Work Plan.
The technical committee held a three-day retreat from June 28-30, 2019. It reviewed the progress of the AMPR project activities, listed pending work in need of completion before the end of the work plan year, and listed activities to be continued in the Year II Work Plan. The team discussed interventions for the technical and institutional coordination with the MMG and the Ministry of Humanitarian Action and National Reconciliation (MHANR), activities needed for mainstreaming gender issues in the mining sector, and support for income-generating activities for women. In early July, the technical committee presented their report that proposed 36 activities during a meeting held at the Directorate of the Ministry of Mines, attended by Kimberley Process Permanent Secretary (KPPS), all Head of Services, and MMG experts. The meeting resolved that the 36 activities be retained and integrated into the MMG Action Plan, which will also be used to guide other Ministry partners in additional intervention priority areas. The meeting recommended that the AMPR team work with the committee members and technical experts at the Regional Mining offices to develop Year II Work Plan detailed intervention approaches.
In mid-July 2019, the AMPR Technical Deputy travelled to Bangui, where he met the AMPR in-country team and discussed in detail the committee’s proposed Year II activities and implementation strategies. From the 36 proposed activities, the AMPR project chose the priority interventions for possible consideration in the Year II Work Plan, subject to the project’s objectives and budget. In early August, the AMPR COP, Component 1 Coordinator, and MEL Officer participated in a joint field mission to Berberati with MMG committee members. The team met with the MMG Chefs des Services of Boda, Boganangone, Gadzi, Carnot, and Nola, the MMG Regional Director, Chief of the Anti-Fraud Police Unit (USAF), and the CLPR coordination committee of Berberati, led by their President. The AMPR team briefed the key technical field officials of the MMG and MHANR on the proposed activities for consideration in the AMPR Year II Annual Work Plan. The meetings helped shape the approaches for the proposed activities and clarified the coordination roles of all involved parties.
In mid-August, the AMPR Project Manager travelled to Bangui to lead the finalization of the Year II Annual Work Plan, taking into consideration the feedback from the consultations with the aforementioned stakeholders. USAID AMPR then proceeded to draft the annual work plan and associated annexes, as well as the PMP.
The draft Work Plan was submitted to USAID on August 30, 2019. Afterwards, the AMPR Chief of Party and Senior Technical Advisor traveled to Kinshasa to meet with the USAID DRC mission to present the work plan and incorporate inputs from the COR, the USAID Desk Officer, and Mission staff. Then the USAID delegation flew to Bangui to meet with government partners from the MMG and MHANR, as well as other supporting donor agencies.
Following the approval of the work plan by USAID, the AMPR field office team will meet quarterly to review the pace of implementation, prepare for quarterly reports, and hold other learning activities organized by the MEL specialist.