Land Registration in Merged Areas (LRMA) Activity

The Land Registration in Merged Areas (LRMA) Activity provides technical support to the Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (GoKP) in establishing a land record and registration system in seven sub-districts of Merged Areas (MAs) so that citizens, landowners, investors, banks, and government actors have access to accurate, understandable, and updated records of their land rights.

In Pakistan’s Merged Areas, land tenure is rooted in communal property, presenting obstacles to individual land rights. The GoKP’s Tribal Decade Strategy addresses these challenges by ensuring economic, social, and gender equity through secure land tenure and property rights. In alignment with this commitment, LRMA strengthens the legal framework. It facilitates access to accurate ownership and title records, recognizes equitable rights, provides alternate dispute resolution mechanisms, enables collateralization of land, and promotes the responsible use of government land for revenue generation and economic development.

LRMA improves the GoKP land records management system and the delivery of land-related services. By improving accessibility, facilitating, and executing land transactions, and generating revenue for the provincial Government, it promotes economic, land, and mineral development, and investments in the MAs. LRMA Activity will achieve three outcomes: 

  1. Citizens, residents, families, landowners, investors, banks, and government actors can access accurate, understandable, and current land records.
  2. Provincial and local government actors and the communities they serve use a cost-effective, easy to maintain and integrated information technology-based system for land record management and cadaster of property rights. 
  3. Landowners operate within a legal framework that supports accessibility of accurate ownership and title records, a system for dispute resolution (both formal and informal/alternative), the collateralization of land, and the private use of government land.


  • Deploying IT and non-IT equipment to Land Settlement Unit (LSU) and Settlement Offices (SOs)
  • Building Capacity of PMU, settlement offices and Service Delivery Centers (SDCs) staff to Implement Land Settlement and Deliver Land Records Management Services
  • Provide support in the establishment of Centralized Land Registration Management Information System(CLRMIS)
  • To facilitate legal review of KP Lang Rights Act and Supporting Legislation to leverage the Land for Growth and investment.
  • Design and implement mass awareness campaigns on land registration and settlement processes and develop targeted communication messages about maintaining land records to generate public buy-in and ownership.
  • LRMA’s community mobilization and engagement initiative will assist SOs/SDCs in engaging and capacitated local communities in the land registration and settlement process and familiarizing them with services related to land records.
  • Support BOR in developing sustainability plans for SDCs to improve the environment and stimulate economic, land, and mineral development and investments in the MAs.
  • Engage women and marginalized groups in designing outreach activities to promote their rights in land settlement processes.


Bajaur (Khar), Bannu (Wazir), Khyber (Landi Kotal), Kohat (Dara Adam Khel), Kurram (Upper), Kurram (Lower), and Peshawar (Hassan Khel) 
