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ERC Success Story: Impact Evaluation Tests Innovative Approach to Securing Communal Rights in Ethiopia

Last Modified: March 27, 2017

Households belonging to pastoral and agro-pastoral communities often have difficulty tapping into opportunities for the commercial production of livestock and crops, accessing markets, and expanding into new agricultural sectors. Lack of access to inputs (fertilizer, machinery, veterinary supplies, etc.) and credit, insecure land tenure and property rights, and unequal bargaining power all contribute to limiting…Read More

Mobile Solutions Matter for Land

Last Modified: March 9, 2023

USAID designs, tests, and evaluates innovative and cost-effective land and resource governance and property rights approaches around the globe that can be adapted and scaled. This video, “Mobile Solutions Matter for Land,” presents two such innovations: the Mobile Applications for Secure Tenure (MAST), and the Land Potential Knowledge System (LandPKS).

It Takes a Village – Mapping Land Rights in Tanzania

Last Modified: March 9, 2023

[…] Tanzania will receive formal documentation of their land rights thanks to a USAID pilot project called Mobile Application to Secure Tenure (MAST). Launched in 2014, the pilot tests an innovative approach to mapping and registering land rights. Through an easy to use, open-source mobile application, the project empowers villagers with the training and tools […]


Country Profiles
Last Modified: June 22, 2018

[…] The Ministry of Equipment conducts water-resource quality inventories throughout the year, which allows for the mapping of water quality by comparing the results of physical-chemical and bacteriological tests (GOM 2009). GOVERNMENT REFORMS, INTERVENTIONS AND INVESTMENTS Morocco’s water-sector challenges include the need to manage scarce water resources, weaknesses in sector governance and institutions, inefficient agricultural […]


Country Profiles
Last Modified: June 14, 2018

[…] of development on water resources and monitors wastewater (FAO 2005). The Water Research Institute is a scientific research entity that gathers hydrological data, studies groundwater resources and tests irrigation technology (Encyclopedia of Earth 2008; FAO 2005a). GOVERNMENT REFORMS, INTERVENTIONS AND INVESTMENTS The Government of Ghana is in the process of constructing a 185-meter-high dam […]

Kenya Justice Project Pilot Ready to be Scaled-Up Nationwide

Last Modified: December 14, 2020

[…] taken place in the pilot community of Ol Pusimoru can take hold across Kenya, enhancing women’s rights and economic opportunities for all.” With additional funding for training-the-trainer activities and field tests of the model in additional rural communities, the KJP pilot can be sustainably handed off for host-country ownership and scaled across Kenya.    

Young Women Stand Their Ground in Zambia’s Wildlife Sector

Last Modified: August 10, 2021

[…] by word of mouth. Recruitment is a competitive and physically demanding process. When the young women arrived at the co-ed training, many had never participated in endurance tests or even run in heavy boots. To address gender biases in the recruitment process, physical endurance standards were adapted for the women and men recruits. Rosemary […]

From Challenge Comes Change: Empowering Women Farmers in West Bengal to See Their Future in Sustainable Supply Chains

Last Modified: March 8, 2021

[…] women’s economic empowerment in Colombia, Pakistan, and Vietnam, and further into India in Uttar Pradesh. The GDA will target PepsiCo farming communities with a gender-transformative approach that tests and pilots women’s economic empowerment solutions on PepsiCo demonstration farms, as well as scales up promising practices demonstrated in the initial project in West Bengal. The […]

Project Brief: ERC

Last Modified: June 30, 2017

[…] Training: Builds LTPR capacity among USG, host country and other key target audiences to support the next generation of LTPR practitioners Task 5) Implementation of Pilot Activities: Tests, analyzes, and pilots approaches to strengthen LTPR for replication and scaling of future initiatives Preliminary Outcomes Under Tasks 1 and 2, USAID is implementing a series […]

KJP Success Story: Kenya Justice Project Pilot Ready to be Scaled-Up Nationwide

Last Modified: December 15, 2020

[…] the pilot community of Ol Pusimoru can take hold across Kenya, enhancing women’s rights and economic opportunities for all.” With additional funding for training-the-trainer activities and field tests of the model in additional rural communities, the KJP pilot can be sustainably handed off for host-country ownership and scaled across Kenya. Read more about the […]