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Liberia: Food and Enterprise Development

Last Modified: May 29, 2018

[…] was USAID’s flagship Feed the Future (FtF) Initiative in Liberia. The project was launched in September 2011 and ended in December 2016. USAID FED used an all -inclusive strategy incorporating micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME), farmers, processors, suppliers, women, and youth, while partnering with the Government of Liberia (GoL) and local civil society […]

Mozambique: Support Program for Economic and Enterprise Development

Last Modified: May 23, 2018

[…] development of a legal framework that would formalize public participation in the policy process and support to the Mozambique Institute of Directors (IOD) to develop a corporate code of ethics. Supported more than 30 capacity -building events in support of its technical programs, with a total of around 1,700 participants, including around 326 women.  

Request for Public Review of the Draft Updated USAID Biodiversity Policy

Last Modified: January 11, 2024

Please note: USAID’s draft updated policy is no longer open for public comment. Nature is in crisis. USAID’s updated Biodiversity Policy reflects the need for transformative change and envisions a future in which biodiversity is conserved so people and nature can thrive. A draft of the updated policy is available for public feedback from […]

Angola: Strategy for Linking Improvements in Land Tenure with Enterprise Development in the Huambo Region

Last Modified: February 21, 2017

This report contains a review of lessons learned by other USAID -funded enterprise development and microfinance projects in Benguela Province, an assessment of enterprise development opportunities related to land tenure in the two USAIDfunded Pilot Project Areas of Huambo Province, and an analysis of possible study tours between the pilot sites and successful enterprise […]

Field Test of LTPR Impact Assessment Tool: Successes, Challenges and Recomendations

Last Modified: December 22, 2017

[…] derive important lessons that can inform future programming. Following a USAID review and subsequent revision of the Draft Impact Assessment Tool, USAID/Washington and ARD sought to field test the Tool and reached out to various mission candidates. USAID/Ecuador responded by requesting a rapid impact assessment of the Conservation in Areas Managed by Indigenous Groups […]

PROSPER Field Test of Environmental Curriculum Materials with Ministry of Education Staff, Teachers and Primary School Students

Last Modified: May 9, 2018

The goal of the five -year People, Rules and Organizations for the Protection of Ecosystem Resources (PROSPER) program is to “introduce, operationalize, and refine appropriate models for the community management of forest resources for local selfgovernance and enterprise development in targeted areas.” That goal is to be achieved through the accomplishment of three major objectives: Expanded educational […]

Feed the Future Progress Report Highlights Success of Updated Land Rights in Tajikistan

Last Modified: November 12, 2019

[…] their land issues through mediation and arbitration. The May/June issue of FrontLines featured a story about how Feed the Future is supporting the expansion of a USAID -funded network of legal aid centers in Tajikistan that have helped more than 100,000 farmers learn about and assert their rights. Through the support of one NGO […]

Responsible LandBased Investments Case Study Series

Case Studies
Last Modified: March 9, 2023

USAID is partnering with the private sector and local communities to minimize risks associated with agricultural, forestry, energy and other land -based investments. USAID’s experience working across three countries with The Hershey Company/ECOM Agroindustrial Trading, Illovo Sugar Africa Ltd. and the Moringa Partnership demonstrates that respecting and bolstering local land rights can be good […]