
Disclaimer: Media scans and other posts are intended to monitor and share current news and information relevant to the land and resource governance sector. Posts and media items included in the scans are not endorsements and do not represent the views of USAID or the U.S. Government, unless stated otherwise.

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Reducing Threats to Biodiversity Through Integration

Integrated Natural Resource Management Digest: December 2023 – January 2024 While there has been much progress in overall economic prosperity around the world, the loss of biodiversity continues at an unprecedented rate. Growing environmental challenges, like biodiversity loss and climate change, have negative impacts on the natural systems that sustain global development. To address these…Read More

Equitable Resource Governance Helps Build Peace

Across the Sahel, growing tensions between farmers and herders are more frequently spilling over into deadly clashes. Rapid population growth, along with the impacts of climate change such as extreme drought and increasingly unpredictable weather patterns, are intensifying pressures on land and associated natural resources, contributing to this uptick in violence.  These challenges speak to...Read More

It’s Earth Day—Here’s Why Securing Land Rights Matters for Our Planet

By Ioana Bouvier, Senior Spatial Science and Technology Advisor, USAID DDI/EEI/LRG Last year, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) launched its new Climate Strategy, laying out an ambitious global plan to address climate change over the next decade. Critical to this effort is inclusive, sustainable, and locally-based management of land and natural resources. Effective...Read More

Three Key Takeaways on Gender and Mining in Colombia

By Smita Malpani, Rhiannon Gulick, Anthony Flowe, INRM In Colombia, most artisanal miners who mine for gold in the informal sector are women. They work both as machadoras, who sift through mine tailings for gold, and barequas, who pan for gold in rivers. These types of artisanal mining are the least lucrative and most dangerous...Read More

Five Lessons from Using MAST to Advance Women’s Land and Resource Rights

Research shows that strengthening women’s land and resource rights has a striking and positive impact on women’s empowerment. And yet, across much of the world, formal and informal laws and customs hinder women’s access to land and resources, leaving them unable to fulfill their full potential as agents of economic and social change.  USAID is…Read More

INRM Digest, December 2021: Evidence methods

Across the U.S. Government, USAID is a leader in using evidence.  Evidence-based programming is a foundation for effective development. One of INRM’s main tasks is to assist USAID’s Operating Units with the use of evidence to support integrated ENRM programming. For example, using evidence and knowledge to strengthen gender equality and social inclusion is a…Read More