Chiribiquete: Protecting Colombia’s Largest National Park

USAID is partnering with the Government of Colombia to strengthen the capacity to increase sustainable land use and decrease deforestation to protect an iconic UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Birds in Chiribiquete
Besides housing enormous biodiversity and connecting the Andean, Orinocan, and Amazonian ecosystems continent-wide, it is critical to the conservation of the greater Amazonian watershed. Photo by Iván Macias (Colombia Oculta)

The Serranía del Chiribiquete was first declared a protected area in 1989 when it covered 1.3 million hectares. The government has since expanded the park to its current 4.2 million hectares, roughly the size of Denmark. As Colombia’s largest park, Chiribiquete National Park is regarded as a vital hotspot of biodiversity in the northern Amazon, sheltering jaguar, tapir, manatee, the brown woolly monkey, and giant anteater. The world’s largest protected tropical rainforest, this national park is home to hundreds of birds and butterflies species and plays a key role in global conservation. 

Chiribiquete’s natural wealth goes beyond its biodiversity.

Chiribiquete pictograms
Pictographs near Chiribiquete. Photo by Iván Macias (Colombia Oculta)

The park also bears traces of ancient human populations, perhaps the oldest inhabitants of the Americas, who lived in this territory long before the arrival of Europeans. In Chiribiquete, more than 75,000 pictograms depicting animals and humans have been discovered; some of these paintings are believed to be 20,000 years old. Today, the forest is still home to a sparse population of Indigenous Peoples, some of whom remain uncontacted and live in voluntary isolation. 

This forgotten wilderness has been isolated for years due to an armed conflict that had kept tourists and Colombian settlers away from the park’s buffer zone. Getting there is not an easy endeavor, and only a small part of the park has been surveyed. In the wake of Colombia’s 2016 peace accord, biologists, botanists, and archeologists began visiting the rainforest mountain range with more frequency, and today, scientists believe the park could shelter even more biodiversity than is currently estimated.

Sadly, the buffer zones around and land inside Chiribiquete have been affected by rising rates of deforestation. In 2020, the region contained five of 12 deforestation hotspots in Colombia and was home to over 50% of the total national deforested area. In a six-month period between September 2000 and February 2021, 1,000 hectares of forest were felled and burned in the national park, according to a recent report from the Monitoring of the Andean Amazon Project. 

Driving the depletion of the forest are several factors, including illicit crops, land grabbing and occupation, timber trafficking, cattle ranching inside protected areas, and the expansion of the agricultural frontier. A comprehensive solution requires the implementation of a range of policies related to security, land administration, and natural resource management.

“Chiribiquete’s large forests are critical for the water dynamics of the entire mountain range in eastern and central Colombia. Protecting the uncontacted Indigenous groups in this territory is also a challenge because of the risk of cultural loss after contact with land grabbers,” explains Carolina Jarro, Deputy Director of Management of Protected Areas at Colombia’s National Natural Parks authority. 

A Land Governance Approach to Conservation

USAID is actively supporting the government’s efforts to halt deforestation in this region by improving land and environment governance tools and supporting government entities involved in land, conservation, and security. In fact, USAID has strategically aligned its environment and rural economic development/land portfolios in order to address deforestation and approach the issues of illicit crops being cultivated in hard-to-reach environmentally protected areas. 

ariel view Chiribiquete
Photo by: Julia Miranda/Colombia’s Parques Nacionales Naturales

In places where the mechanism to reduce the presence of illicit crops are limited, USAID is demonstrating that land formalization can be a mechanism to strengthen conservation and natural resource management. The work includes working with mayors and municipal governments in buffer zones around the Chiribiquete National Park to strengthen land governance capacities and promote licit livelihoods for communities. 

First step in protecting the forest and everything within it is delimiting the national park and adding it to the national cadaster. After this, USAID is helping the government pilot a land-use contracting program for ranchers and farmers living in the buffer zone. Finally, USAID is facilitating public-private partnerships to mobilize government and private sector investments that foster licit economic opportunities.

“Updating the cadaster is critical for territorial planning and fiscal strengthening of the municipalities, but it is also key for preventing deforestation and the destruction of environmental assets. With an updated cadaster, the park’s boundary and the characteristics of the surrounding areas can be established.” – Alejandra Botero, Presidential Counsellor for Management and Compliance.

This integrated approach has the potential to consolidate policies that can help to curb the region’s unchecked deforestation and unsustainable use of land. By updating the nation’s rural cadaster for areas around Chiribiquete and issuing legal land deeds, communities will be dissuaded from growing illicit crops and increase buy-in for a community-approach to forest management and inclusive growth around the enormous and emblematic park. 

“The Government of Colombia, with the support of international cooperation, has conducted periodic flights to identify the deforestation and illegal occupation areas. These are public parcels that need to be identified to control and restore the area while reducing the possibility of affecting the natural and cultural heritage,” added Mrs. Jarro.

Learn more about the USAID Colombia Land for Prosperity activity here

Land Titles Downstream Will Protect Forests Upstream in Cambodia

By USAID Greening Prey Lang

Originally published March 22, 2021 on USAID Greening Prey Lang Exposure site

Kampong Thom province is one of Cambodia’s agriculture hubs. Across the province rivers originating in Prey Lang Wildlife Sanctuary support vast irrigation systems. The irrigation systems are frequently managed by Farmer Water User Communities (FWUC). One community irrigation system, Tang Krasang, is led by Norng Theourn.

Spanning over 10,000 hectares, the Tang Krasang irrigation system supports small holder farmers and companies to grow rice, mangos, and many other fruits and vegetables. 

The irrigation directly benefits 13,555 people out of whom 6,799 are women. There are 38 committee members managing the Tang Krasang Farmer Water User Community association, and out of those 14 are female. The female committee members are in charge of collecting fees from members, managing the association’s finances and other responsibilities.

Thanks to the irrigation system farmers can grow two to three crops per year. For each crop cycle water users pay $10 per irrigated hectare. Since its establishment in 2017 over $15,000 in fees have been collected by the Tang Krasang Farmer Water User Community. Fees have been used for maintenance of the irrigation system and community development projects. 

Norng Theourn, FWUC leader (right) meets with members to collect farmer contribution fees and prepare a monthly work plan.
Norng Theourn, FWUC leader (right) meets with members to collect farmer contribution fees and prepare a monthly work plan.

Nong Theoun is eager to make the irrigation system more climate resilient. For him, climate resilience includes securing land titles for water users and paying upstream communities for conserving the forests that provide water to the irrigation system. 

To achieve this vision the Tang Krasang Farmer Water User Community has been working with USAID Greening Prey Lang and a provincial level river basin management committee. Efforts are underway to secure land titles for community members who want to access the irrigation system. Proof of land ownership is required to gain access to irrigated water.

Once titles have been secured annual fees collected by the FWUC will skyrocket. Money in the bank will allow Tang Krasang to achieve their climate resilience goals.

“When all farmers in our community have legal land title and can fully participate in the FWUC, contribution fees will increase to between US $60,000 to $120,000 per year, depending on whether they grow two or three crops per year. Before construction of the canal, we could grow only one rice crop each year, with yields less than 1 ton per hectare annually. Now we can grow at least two crops a year, increasing yields to 2 to 3 tons per hectare.

The rice field of a Tang Krasang Farmer Water User Community member
The rice field of a Tang Krasang Farmer Water User Community member

Increased fees will allow for climate resilient infrastructure upgrades. Climate change has made the cycles of droughts and flooding in Cambodia more frequent and more intense. These extremes must be factored into any infrastructure improvements so that the upgraded facilities can withstand climate extremes.

Additional fees will also enable Mr. Nong’s community to provide payments to upstream forest communities to patrol their forests and support law enforcement efforts. Through this nascent payment for ecosystems services scheme downstream water users will contribute to conserving the forests in and around Prey Lang Wildlife Sanctuary.

“Unseasonable droughts and unpredictable rainfall are no longer a worry. We are able to reliably grow rice and other crops because the canal provides sufficient water.”

Land Formalization Goes Live in Colombia

A Colombian Mayor surprises her constituents with land titles and uses live video and social media to spread civic messages about formalizing land tenure.

Facebook Live

Fuentedeoro’s Mayor, Patricia Mancera, took the world on a digital tour of her town. On Monday last week, Mancera’s team went live on Facebook, while walking door-to-door to deliver registered property titles to dozens of neighbors living in Fuentedeoro’s urban center.

The event was a surprise for the new landowners, some of whom have been waiting more than 20 years to obtain a property deed for their parcels and homes. It was also a surprise for the town’s other residents, many of whom caught the action on a Facebook live video and interacted with the mayor to learn more about the municipality’s efforts to formalize property.

See the Mayor’s video here (en español)

screenshot of mayor on facebook liveBetween house visits, Mayor Mancera, who used a mask throughout the entire video to limit the spread of COVID-19, stopped and looked at the camera explaining to her followers how Fuentedeoro’s Municipal Land Office is playing a key role in allowing her to formalize public properties like schools and health clinics, as well as lands that were donated by the city for social housing.

In a visit to Doña Silvia Garzón, Mayor Mancera explained that: “these property titles are thanks to the coordinated efforts of the Municipal Land Office, the nation’s property registry SNR, the regional government, and USAID. It’s an effort made by all to bring this happiness and the good news that, as of today, you are officially the owner of your property.”

Doña Silvia, like most, was pleasantly surprised to receive the mayor at her front door. She explained that although she has thought about starting the process of obtaining and registering a land title, the procedure’s costs and the idea of having to pay property taxes have kept her from seeing it through.

“USAID has stepped up and helped us with the creation of the Municipal Land Office and integrated our municipality into their programming” – Mayor Patricia Mancera

mayor giving woman land titleShe repeatedly reminded her audience and the new landowners that without their commitment and confidence in local government, Fuentedeoro’s Municipal Land Office would not be able to process their titles. It is true that without community buy-in, building a formal land market is practically impossible.

Ready for Parcel Sweeps

The Mayor then knocked on Doña Alexandra’s door. Alexandra has been waiting several years to obtain a land title. Over the past six months, Alexandra too, worked with the Municipal Land Office and provided the necessary documentation for them to formalize the property in her name.

“I can’t believe it. No, no, no. I can’t… I’m going to cry,” Alexandra said. “This was something that seemed to be impossible to me for so long. Now I realize that nothing is impossible. I am now so happy. I’m going to find my family and we are going to celebrate tonight.”

Citizen Facebook

At one point, after the Mayor had already delivered several deeds, Luz Stella Vásquez, a resident of Fuentedeoro, posted a question in the video’s comments: “When will the titles be delivered to the families living on parcelaciones?” These are lands that were granted to thousands of families around Colombia by the former land authority, known as INCODER. None of the lands came with land titles, and in Fuentedeoro, there are six of these collective land ownership agreements involving more than 160 families.

To answer Luz Stella’s question, the mayor, in partnership with David Peroza, a land expert from USAID’s Land for Prosperity Activity, explained that land titles for all six parcelaciones are currently being processed, and that before the end of the year, Fuentedeoro’s own massive formalization campaign will begin to formalize every single property in the municipality.

Shifting the Paradigm

Colombia is a country where rural land administration services are available to those who could afford them. Fuentedeoro’s Mayor, Patricia Mancera, has probably made history by knocking on doors and delivering land titles to her constituents. The gesture is indicative of a larger shift towards an equitable land administration system, which is the foundation of rural development and good governance.

And if anybody questions the decision to use social media to transmit these types of messages about municipality government and land formalization services, they should know that within the first 24 hours, the video already racked up 2,500 views.

Fuentedeoro is home to 12,000 people.


In Colombia, 6 out of 10 rural properties are informally owned, meaning the owners have no land titles or registered records that the land is theirs. It also means the land parcel does not appear in the country’s land cadaster. Land informality is an obstacle for economic development and poses long-term security risks for landowners, especially in a country like Colombia where violence and internal displacement are commonplace.

To help remedy this situation, USAID is working with the Colombian government on building national and local capacity in land governance. One aspect of the strategy includes the creation of Municipal Land Offices in target municipalities. Another is building the national government’s ability to carry out massive land formalization campaigns in target municipalities. Finally, the USAID strategy facilitates partnerships and mobilizes resources to help create economic opportunities that can catalyze transformation in rural areas that are traditionally underserved.

This post originally appeared on the USAID Land for Prosperity Exposure site.

Download the PDF printable version here.

Strengthening Women’s Land Rights in Rural Tanzania: Results from an Impact Evaluation of USAID’s Land Tenure Assistance Activity

In rural Tanzania, as in many other low- and middle-income countries, land is a crucial asset that supports livelihoods and enables individuals and households to expand their economic opportunities. Most Tanzanians in rural areas are farmers who obtained their land through long-standing customary norms. However, weak land rights protections and a lack of documented ownership or use rights have long been seen as a source of local disputes, a constraint to how farmers use and invest in their land, and a barrier to household economic growth. A lack of land documentation can limit the participation of women and other vulnerable groups in agribusiness, and women often face higher risk of disenfranchisement of their land rights. How can the development community help?

Since 2015, USAID has worked in rural Iringa District, the heart of Tanzania’s southern agricultural region, to strengthen land rights and systematically address the lack of land documentation. Over the past five years, USAID/Tanzania’s Land Tenure Activity (LTA) helped villages and the district land office demarcate more than 70,000 land parcels and register more than 60,000 land certificates (known as CCROs), all using USAID’s digital Mobile Application to Secure Tenure (MAST) technology. LTA represents one of the first times that MAST, which supports mapping and facilitation of the land documentation process using a mobile phone, was implemented on such a large scale.

A key question is whether this innovative approach to create stronger customary land rights has an impact on key development outcomes, such as tenure security (i.e., whether people feel confident no one will take their land or displace them), land disputes, and women’s empowerment. To assess LTA’s impacts on these outcomes, USAID commissioned Management Systems International and NORC at the University of Chicago to design and implement a rigorous impact evaluation. This IE is one of only two USAID land evaluations using a randomized control trial design.

LTA’s Impacts on Land Rights and Tenure Security

The impact evaluation of LTA has helped USAID measure the activity’s effect on land-related outcomes and understand how systematic certification of customary land rights affects smallholder farmers’ tenure security, investment decisions, empowerment, and broader livelihoods. With increasing land pressures and widespread concerns about land grabbing, knowing the impacts of formalized customary use rights is relevant to both farmers and policymakers.

The evaluation collected data via a panel survey of 1,361 households across 30 LTA villages and 30 control villages as part of a ‘gold standard’ randomized control trial design. The first round of data collection took place right before LTA began implementation in 2017. Endline data collection took place in February 2020, around 18 months after most households received their CCROs with LTA’s support. To understand how CCROs affect perceptions of land tenure security, land use, empowerment, and other key outcomes, the evaluation team interviewed the head of household and primary spouse.

A key evaluation finding is that LTA’s systematic, village-wide support was successful in helping most households obtain a CCRO. The proportion of respondents in LTA-supported villages with a CCRO in the evaluation sample rose from 3 percent at baseline to 86 percent at endline, compared with only 12 percent of control group respondents at endline. This underscores that CCROs remain largely out of reach for typical rural Tanzanian households in the absence of a systematic village-wide support program like LTA.

LTA’s support also led to a similarly large increase in formally documented land rights for women in LTA-supported villages as compared with the control group.

The evaluation results suggest that the increase in formalized land documentation also improved household tenure security. To look at common measures of tenure security, we asked household respondents how worried they felt about the risk of land being taken without permission in their community generally and for the land they personally use. The evaluation found significant improvements on both measures due to LTA’s support: an 18 percent decrease on average in a household’s probability of expressing community-wide concern over land expropriation and a 16 percent decrease on average in a household’s probably of feeling tenure insecure.

Tenure security improved for both men and women, and to a greater extent for female relative to male households heads. The evaluation also found a substantial increase in tenure security for female primary spouses supported by LTA. These improvements are especially important in the rural Tanzanian context, where women often have a harder time claiming and defending their land rights or exercising control over land decisions. Based on the evaluation results, USAID/Tanzania’s support for formalized customary land documentation seems to have not only expanded people’s access to CCROs but also led to more equitable access to land documentation in ways that allay gender-based concerns around land grabbing.

Among households that received CCROs, self-reported familiarity with land laws was also higher for female primary spouses than for the male household heads. This finding appears to reflect LTA’s emphasis and awareness raising around women’s land rights, together with opportunities for women to participate in trainings, meetings, and activities in Iringa related to land documentation.

LTA’s Impacts on Credit Access

The evaluation results related to credit are more nuanced and provide important learning around the role of CCROs in expanding rural villagers’ access to credit and economic opportunities. The evaluation found no evidence of a change in credit access (stable at around 13 percent for both groups and survey rounds) or amount (around 200,000 Tanzanian shillings or $86) as a result of the CCRO. Iringa District is similar to much of rural Tanzania in that borrowing from formal sources such as commercial banks is low and villagers are stymied by a lack of creditworthy business activities (as perceived by banks), poor business skills, and complicated loan processes. These results also point to wide gender disparities in borrowing sources and amount of credit obtained, underscoring opportunities for targeted programming to bring women’s economic empowerment on par with men. The null results on credit and differential access by gender suggest future programming should address these issues in conjunction with CCRO provisioning, and USAID’s Land Evidence for Economic Rights and Gender Empowerment (LEVERAGE) activity is conducting targeted learning on this topic.

Looking Ahead

USAID/Tanzania’s support to Iringa villages and the district land office in recognizing customary land rights has been critical in helping rural farmers protect their land, expand their livelihoods, and stave off uncompensated expropriation in the face of rapid urbanization and rural land use change. LTA’s achievements – including helping register around 60,000 CCROs across 30 villages, providing training to 220 women’s groups, and supporting the district land office to lead the technological and administrative process – are notable. The impact evaluation of LTA provides robust evidence of the initial impacts of CCROs to farmer tenure security and other near-term effects, and suggests the foundation has been laid for longer-term benefits to come. This rigorous evaluation suggests that formalizing customary land rights in the rest of Iringa District, and thousands of other villages across Tanzania, is well worth the effort.



“A successful land governance strategy requires political will” Q&A with Fuentedeoro, Colombia mayor

After several years spent to improve the municipal land office in Fuentedeoro, USAID and the National Land Agency are supporting a massive land titling and cadastre updating strategy that will cover the entire municipality. The mayor of Fuentedeoro, Diana Patricia Mancera speaks on the next steps for creating a culture of land formalization and on how to maintain a sustainable and legitimate land market.

Land titles delivered in 2020 with Mancera (center) thanks to the USAID-supported Municipal Land Office.

Over the year, Fuentedeoro made the formalization of public lands a priority and implemented a strategy to build its capacity for titling public lands within the municipality. How has Fuentedeoro changed during this process?

The perception of property has changed. It’s clear to us now that it is important to be able to own a property, and that owning it means having the deed. And it is understood that the deed not only serves to prove your ownership of the property, but also allows you to access other opportunities such as credit and subsidies.

How does public land titling help the municipality?

Today, a deed is required to prove that the property is in fact owned by the municipality so that the government can invest in it. Here, thanks to our work, the majority of schools and health centers now have land titles. One specific example is that the Ministry of Education, through the Infrastructure Financing Fund, has allocated resources for the Juan Bosco branch of the General Santander Rural School in Puerto Limón, which without a land title never would have been eligible. A total of 150 million pesos have been allocated to improve the conditions for preschool children.

In 2020, the mayor’s office is continuing its strategy to improve land titling in Fuentedeoro. What are the first steps of the new strategy?

We have three fundamental activities that are underway with USAID’s support. First, we are improving the Municipal Land Office, which is staffed by land experts and open every day. Next, we want to improve and prepare for the upcoming massive land formalization activity with the National Land Agency (ANT).

Fuentedeoro’s leaders have shared their experience of creating a municipal land office with dozens of municipalities: from the first step of passing an ordinance, in which the city council grants the Mayor the faculties to adjudicate urban parcels, to registering land titles at one of the regional offices of the Superintendence Notary and Registry.

What do you plan to do with the National Land Agency?

With the support of USAID and through the ANT, the first step is to develop and consolidate Fuentedeoro’s Participatory Rural Land Use Management Plan, a big job that the municipality alone would never have been able to do alone due to costs. And that, of course, is followed by the parcel sweep and massive land titling exercise.

What can Fuentedeoro offer the rest of Colombia in terms of land titling?

Although we are not a PDET municipality, we are fortunate to be implementing a strong land governance approach. We are proud that Fuentedeoro, which is a category six municipality (population: <10,000), can show category four and five municipalities (population: 10-30,000) that it is possible to lead a land strategy with the necessary political will. From this perspective, things can get done and we can attract other programs.

Do you believe the people of Fuentedeoro are ready for a massive land formalization intervention?

I think so, I think they are ready, because they are crying out for it! The fact is the citizenry has requested land formalization services in the formulation of the Municipal Development Plan. The people know the importance of land titling. People know the advantages to having a deed in order to access other benefits and programs.

In Colombia, municipalities have traditionally lacked the capacity, in part due to insufficient funds and capacity. Further, decades of informality have meant that there are few records in place documenting each property’s history.

And are you ready to support massive land formalization?

Municipal leadership is aware it must continuing to support the local land office and titling, not only for schools and public properties, but for longevity and sustainability’s sake, so that people stop informally selling their houses. Between these two components: people’s awareness about the importance of the deed and the municipality’s dedication to improve the land office, we will be ready.

How do you show a landowner that land titling has benefits?

We must show people that when they sell a property, they must do so with a deed. This way, the seller will no longer have to pay property taxes, and the buyer, by having the deed, will be able to access the benefits of being an owner.


This story was originally published on Exposure.

Sweet Taste of Development

Hundreds of families in Bajo Cauca take on beekeeping to improve their living conditions and contribute to the licit economic development of the region.

The Bajo Cauca Priority

Bajo Cauca region is an example of all the negative things that are read in the news about Colombia: violence, illicit crops, illegal mining, and criminal groups feeding off these activities and disputing control over the territory. The Government of Colombia (GOC) has prioritized the region —which is located in the northeast corner of Antioquia— to implement a package of comprehensive development activities known as PDET (Development Program with a Territorial Approach). PDET interventions seek to build and promote peace and ‘stabilization’ by implementing the Comprehensive Rural Reform established in the Peace Agreement with the FARC.

In Bajo Cauca, USAID is working in line with the government’s PDET strategy to increase opportunities for economic development through private sector investment and the presence of government services and actors, such as land administration entities, which are fundamental to strengthening the basis of trust of the citizenry in state leaders.

The Community is Abuzz

Through its Land for Prosperity Activity, USAID brokered a Public-Private Partnership (PPP) in the honey value chain that seeks to promote beekeeping as a sustainable and legal economic activity with the potential to benefit rural inhabitants in seven municipalities in Bajo Cauca. The PPP, which is valued at an estimated $5 billion pesos (USD$1.3mn) links 26 producer associations with training to improve honey production and processing. Under the partnership, the producer associations —which represent 631 families—have the opportunity to market their honey with local conglomeration of honey producers, Campo Dulce.

A Forest of Opportunity

Bajo Cauca’s climatic conditions are ideal for the production of honey and other products derived from bees. Beekeeping gives producers the chance to achieve economic potential in less time than crops like cacao, which can take an average of five years to reach harvest levels that generate returns. After setting up beehives, it will take just a couple of months for the first honey harvest, and beekeeping requires a relatively low level of effort in terms of maintenance. In addition, bees play a key role in pollination, thus contributing to the preservation of ecosystems.

Campo Dulce made a commitment to work with all 29 producer associations and purchase 100 percent of their honey.

“USAID arrived just when Bajo Cauca needed it most. Now, it is important to recognize their roles and work hand-in-hand with these communities, the companies, and producer associations who are already involved in beekeeping.”-Sandra Márquez, manager of Campo Dulce.

Bee in the Forum

USAID’s principle role is facilitator. Bajo Cauca’s security complexities make coordination and teamwork even more critical in promoting a successful strategy that can provide licit economic alternatives to rural families, improve their livelihoods, and contribute to the region’s economic development. USAID is the catalyst that brings local, regional, and national government actors, the private sector, producer associations, and communities together. To make these new relationships sustainable, the PPP actors have created a Beekeeping Roundtable that meets quarterly to follow up on commitments and the needs of producers.

“The coordination process has been easy because all the participants are interested in the same thing.” – Henry Hernández, Beekeeping Roundtable coordinator and representative from the regional Government of Antioquia.

Women Stepping

Lilia Castro, a single mother in the municipality of Cáceres, sees beekeeping as an activity that can help her create more income requiring just a part of her time so she can attend to other household tasks. Through the honey PPP, Lilia and other women in the region are receiving training on how to create and maintain their hives to offer higher quality honey to Colombia’s market.

“My son used to be afraid of bees, but now he goes with me to feed them. He also wants to learn from this job, so that is why he is going to be part of the training,” Lilia assured.


This story was originally published on USAID exposure.

Introducing the Newest Member of the Links Family: BiodiversityLinks

BiodiversityLinks, USAID’s newly refreshed and relaunched knowledge portal for biodiversity conservation, features key USAID tools and resources, as well as new evidence and learning.

Many long-time users likely remember BiodiversityLinks’ predecessors, the Natural Resources Management and Development (RM) Portal and the Biodiversity Conservation Gateway. BiodiversityLinks takes the best of these sites forward into a platform that fuels learning to improve biodiversity programming.

The site features a redesigned homepage and updated navigation throughout. Landlinks users are now able to explore biodiversity’s interactions and systems-based approaches to improve land and property rights and cross-sectoral connections. You can discover successfully completed projects like Biodiversity Understanding in Infrastructure and Landscape Development (BUILD) and Forest Carbon, Markets and Communities (FCMC), or explore organizations such as Landesa and resources on land or marine tenure, while also taking advantage of the new Library functionality to more easily share curated resources with colleagues and partners. 

Enjoy exploring the new site, and please contribute your resources, learning, and stories related to biodiversity! We will continue adding resources and adapting the site based on your feedback so please reach out to the site managers with any submissions, thoughts, or questions so we can address them and better meet your needs.



From Challenge Comes Change: Empowering Women Farmers in West Bengal to See Their Future in Sustainable Supply Chains

This post is written by the Integrated Land and Resource Governance (ILRG) team and originally published in Agrilinks

On March 8, 2021, International Women’s Day (IWD) marks a day where people across the world celebrate women’s achievements, raise awareness against bias, and take action to forge a more gender-inclusive world. USAID and PepsiCo recently partnered in West Bengal, India to support women in the PepsiCo potato supply chain in an effort to equalize their access to essential resources as their male counterparts, which is critical to agricultural success.

The USAID-PepsiCo partnership is designed to engage women as critical partners by empowering them, and thus challenging and transforming prevailing gender norms in the region, to build greater resilience in these rural farming communities and improve yields and performance in agricultural supply chains.

In West Bengal, India women are rarely seen as farmers, even though they typically spend as much time as their husbands working on the farm: preparing fields, planting seeds, harvesting crops, and managing animals.

“We knew almost nothing except cutting seeds. Now we have learned everything about farming. Additionally, we have learned about dealing with people like tractor operators, landowners, and how to do accounting.” – Anwara Begam

When Anwara Begam and her women’s group, Eid Mubarak, were approached in October 2019 by the staff of a new joint initiative funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and PepsiCo to participate in potato farming as lead farmers, the group enthusiastically jumped at the chance. This was the first time many of these women had the opportunity to participate in agricultural extension; they received training and knowledge on a broad range of topics to apply to their agricultural practices to increase their yields and productivity. Through the support of this partnership, the group participated in a land-leasing activity to identify land and negotiate leasing terms; it was the first time many of these women had ever accessed farmland on their own.

With reliable land access, Anwara Begam and the women in the group attended agronomy training, improved their skills in potato farming and financial literacy, and became formal contributors to the PepsiCo potato value chain. During extension training sessions, Anwara learned how to improve her crop yields through land preparation, seed treatment, soil health and nutrition management, and pest and disease control. In its first year, the USAID-PepsiCo initiative conducted technical training with 48 women’s groups, bringing over 500 women into PepsiCo’s supply chain.

Using information from the agronomy training, Anwara recently recognized the signs of potato blight on her family’s farm and knew what measures to take to prevent it from spreading; however, her husband initially did not believe her. While he questioned her knowledge, she advocated that their family take swift action, and her initiative ended up saving her family’s crop.

Empowered with her enhanced skills and knowledge, Anwara is currently talking with other women about the positive benefits of improving women’s knowledge in agricultural practices, and at the same time, her bolstered ability to advocate and influence others has built her personal confidence and leadership skills.

Invaluable Women

The partnership’s initial success shows that empowering women with the knowledge, land, and access to PepsiCo’s value chain directly benefits the women and their families, while also meeting PepsiCo’s business goals to expand their supplier network and increase productivity.

“For the very first time, I have taken an effort to provide seeds on credit to women farmers. I want to see them taking responsibility and getting empowered,” says Pintu Ghosh, a potato buyer in West Bengal who participated in the USAID PepsiCo gender-awareness training.

PepsiCo agronomist Abdul Alim attended gender sensitization workshops and discussions on the role of women in agriculture alongside over 30 other PepsiCo staff. In his native village of Bhagaldighi, West Bengal, Abdul and PepsiCo aggregators have already hired women to sort and grade potatoes—jobs typically done by men.

Since Abdul’s training, seven women with experience growing PepsiCo potatoes participated in sorting and grading opportunities, where each worker can earn up to $4 per day. This pay is more than twice what a woman makes in an eight-hour day as an agricultural laborer, and the job offers women more flexibility to work around their household responsibilities, as they are paid on output rather than the number of hours worked.

Since the partnership began in mid-2019, USAID and PepsiCo have provided potato agronomy training for more than 1,000 women, as well as gender equality and women’s empowerment training to all PepsiCo local staff in West Bengal. From the partnership’s initial gender assessment, it was clear that economically empowering women requires more than teaching improved farming practices. Building on the success of the first year, the partnership will begin implementing household and community level dialogues on gender norms that hinder women’s access to and control over resources and income and further recognition of their role as farmers. Interventions that aim to change harmful gender norms, strategically engage men and community leaders, and increase women’s personal agency and empowerment are critical to mitigating unintended consequences, including gender-based violence.

Reporting from the field has shown that for Anwara Begam and the women of the Eid Mubarak group, access to land and knowledge provided by the USAID PepsiCo partnership led to increased self-confidence and recognition from their community, and they now see themselves as valuable potato farmers who contribute to their families’ livelihoods and the PepsiCo supply chain. This demonstrates that empowering women makes social and economic sense both for businesses and for rural communities.

Scaling through PepsiCo Agricultural Value Chains

Building on this initial success in West Bengal, PepsiCo and USAID are expanding the partnership through a Global Development Alliance (GDA) focused on proving the business case for women’s economic empowerment in Colombia, Pakistan, and Vietnam, and further into India in Uttar Pradesh.

The GDA will target PepsiCo farming communities with a gender-transformative approach that tests and pilots women’s economic empowerment solutions on PepsiCo demonstration farms, as well as scales up promising practices demonstrated in the initial project in West Bengal. The partnership aims to ensure that women farmers and workers benefit from being directly or indirectly involved within PepsiCo’s supply chains while also being empowered within their households and communities. Integrating women’s economic empowerment into PepsiCo’s sustainable agriculture approach will strengthen livelihoods and community resilience while improving the performance and sustainability of the supply chain.

PepsiCo will use data and insights from this partnership with USAID to show that investing in women makes business sense and should be scaled within PepsiCo’s supply chains and adopted by other leading companies. Read more about our work in West Bengal here and the GDA here.



5 Ways USAID Empowers Women as Leaders Against the Climate Crisis

This blog was originally published in USAID Medium.

With a seat at the table, women contribute to decision making on natural resources and climate solutions

Frances D. Blanyon is a mechanical engineer and plant operator at Mt. Coffee Hydro Power Plant in Liberia. / Liberia Electricity Corporation

One of the greatest threats to our global community is climate change, and research shows women are more vulnerable than men to its consequences. Women and children are 14 times more likely than men to die due to climate disasters such as droughts and floods, and they make up 80 percent of those displaced by climate change. Climate change can also exacerbate gender-based violence, including early and forced child marriage.

But women and girls are not just victims of climate change ― they are leading the way in designing and implementing climate change solutions, and their valuable and unique knowledge on natural resource management and adaptation strategies are critical. The tools we use to combat climate change are more effective when women are meaningfully empowered at the household, community, national, and international levels. Fueled by a women’s economic empowerment fund at USAID, here are five ways we are empowering women in the fight against climate change:

The Advancing Gender in the Environment (AGENT) partnership between USAID and the International Union for the Conservation of Nature has recognized women as agents of change in the climate change sector for nearly a decade. Through AGENT, we conduct research and publish our findings on how climate change affects women, and help countries develop climate change gender action plans to ensure climate solutions are more effective and inclusive. One of our recent studies found that climate change, state fragility, and gender inequality are interconnected issues and that USAID and other development partners should approach these issues together so solutions are more effective and can have impact in all three areas.

With USAID’s support, AGENT is working to increase gender equality and women’s empowerment in the fisheries sector, where women make up nearly half the workforce, but their ability to advance economically is limited. This exclusion holds women back from earning income and reaching new markets, and can thwart efforts to increase the sustainability of the fishery overall.

Through this partnership, USAID has supported knowledge and tools that have helped build the capacities of over 25,000 women and men policy makers and practitioners around the world on how gender and environment are linked, so they can create more sustainable and equitable policies and programs to fight climate change.

Two newly-designed Nestlé Aldo Dispensers at the Wala-Usik (“nothing wasted”) convenience store of Nanay Lilian Gordoncillo in Bacolod City, Philippines. The store is testing refillable product delivery modes that will reduce the use of plastic sachets. / USAID Municipal Waste Recycling Program

A 16-year partnership between USAID and NASA, SERVIR supports local decision-makers across the developing world to use geospatial technology to manage the effects of climate change. SERVIR’s data helps countries anticipate droughts, floods and forest fires, so officials can respond quickly before lives are lost.

Since 2019, USAID has worked to ensure SERVIR’s geospatial services consider the ways climate change affects women in particular and design solutions that specifically meet their needs, such as ensuring that disaster information is shared through communication channels that women are able to easily access. We also have created opportunities for women to work and grow their careers in the geospatial sciences workforce by providing technical and leadership skills training and mentorship opportunities. A more diverse and well-equipped workforce can better tackle the problems and priorities of different types of community members that SERVIR and its partners serve.

Plastic waste pollution doesn’t just spread microplastics around the globe — it contributes to climate change by clogging mangroves that help regulate the ecosystem, and releasing high quantities of carbon dioxide when incinerated.

USAID’s Clean Cities, Blue Ocean program halts ocean plastic pollution in rapidly urbanizing areas of Asia and Latin America that contribute to the estimated 8 million metric tons of plastic that flow into the ocean each year. As part of this program, we are investing in new business approaches led by women entrepreneurs that reduce single-use plastics, and we are supporting the economic advancement of women who work as informal waste collectors.

Blessing Oyeniyi and Adeyemi Opeyemi, the first female line workers at Eko Electricity Distribution Company (EKEDC) in Nigeria. / EKEDC

Effective and high-functioning utilities are critical to achieving climate change goals, particularly by introducing clean and renewable energy to reduce emissions and encouraging the efficient use of resources in the communities they serve.

USAID’s Engendering Utilities program creates economic opportunities for women working in traditionally male-dominated energy and water utilities, ultimately strengthening utility performance. The program has trained over 6,000 women to advance their careers, and over 1,000 women have been hired in the energy and water sectors, including in management and technical positions.

Women in Mozambique examine a map. USAID works in the country to support reforms around women’s land rights. / Sandra Coburn for USAID

When women have secure land rights, their resilience to climate change increases, as does their communities’ resilience overall. But women who rely on customary land tenure systems that disadvantage them are the most impacted by climate change, especially as forest and water sources are depleted and soil on land degrades. Without secure land rights, they are less able to prevent overgrazing of pastureland and deforestation, which worsen greenhouse gas emissions.

USAID works to implement practices such as joint titling and land registration to ensure women have secure land rights. USAID works in Ghana, Malawi, Mozambique, Zambia, and India to support legal and land resource governance reforms around women’s land rights.

The climate crisis is acute and shows no sign of abating. Economically empowering women leverages their innovation and expertise and enables their transformational power to increase climate resilience. With a seat at the table, women contribute to decision making on natural resources and advocate for climate solutions that meet their needs and are more likely to be adopted by all people — benefiting our shared planet and our global community.

Corinne Hart is the Senior Gender Advisor for Energy and Environment and Georgia Hartman is a Technical Advisor for Gender and Environment, both in USAID’s Bureau for Development, Democracy, and Innovation.



6 Ways USAID is Investing in Women’s Land Rights

By Jennifer Duncan

Secure land and resource rights are critical for household wellbeing and livelihoods in many developing countries, where land is the principal asset for the rural poor. Despite women’s vital role in food production, they are less likely than men to own and control land. Forty percent of the world’s economies limit women’s property rights, and 44 of 191 countries do not provide female and male surviving spouses with equal rights to inherit assets.

In 2020 one in five women  globally–upward of 480 million women–felt insecure about their land and property rights, and in some regions like Sub-Saharan Africa nearly one in every two women feared losing her land in the event of divorce or death of a spouse.

Photo credit: Sandra Coburn for USAID

The same gender biases that prevent women from holding secure land rights also exclude them from having an equal voice in decision-making about land at all levels. When women’s and men’s voices are both well-represented, on the other hand, strategies for land and resource use reflect the needs and collective wisdom of the whole community. This is especially important in the face of growing resource scarcity, and the kinds of crises spurred by climate change and the COVID-19 pandemic.


Ownership and control over assets that support income are central to women’s economic and social empowerment and their ability to contribute to their communities and countries. For many women, the most valuable of these assets are the land and natural resources they depend on to make a living, provide for their families, and invest in their communities. If women had the same access to productive resources as men, farm output would increase by 20 to 30 percent.

USAID, through the Integrated Land and Resource Governance (ILRG) program and the Communications, Evidence and Learning (CEL) project, is strengthening women’s rights to land and resources so that women may leverage these rights toward concrete economic, social, and political opportunities.

In honor of International Women’s Day, here are six ways USAID is moving forward with our partners to strengthen women’s land and resource rights:

  1. SUPPORTING LAW AND POLICY REFORMS. Reforming legal frameworks to establish women’s rights to land and natural resources is one of the most effective ways to empower women at scale. USAID is working with governments and customary leaders at the national and local levels to adopt and implement laws and policies that promote women’s land rights. USAID is also raising awareness and providing legal literacy and access to justice for women, so they are better able to claim and benefit from existing rights.
  2. GENDER INTEGRATION IN LAND DOCUMENTATION. USAID is promoting gender integration in systematic land documentation processes led by governments, civil society, and private sector actors, ensuring that women’s land rights are considered in all steps, from planning to final documentation of individual or community land. Awareness-raising and communications activities are encouraging women to register their rights.
  3. GENDER NORMS CHANGE. USAID is providing training and promoting dialogues with customary leaders and communities on harmful gender norms and biases that hinder women from gaining rights and control over land and natural resources. USAID is also promoting gender norms change within households to enhance women’s participation in decision-making, promote collaboration within families, and reduce gender-based violence.
  4. AGENCY-BASED EMPOWERMENT FOR WOMEN. USAID is providing women with the skills, knowledge, and resources to meaningfully participate in decision-making and governance related to land and natural resources and to engage in agricultural value chains. Increased agency enables women to leverage secure land rights to access financing, agricultural extension, and employment in the wildlife and forestry sectors.
  5. PRIVATE SECTOR ENGAGEMENT. USAID is partnering with national and multinational companies to develop policies for gender-responsive land-based investment and business practices that reach, benefit, and empower women in different agricultural value chains. USAID is contributing to the growing evidence base on the business case for women’s economic empowerment, which shows that including women in value chains has positive impacts not only for women, their families, and communities, but also for key business performance indicators like agricultural yield, productivity, and quality of production.
  6. GATHERING AND DISSEMINATING EVIDENCE, BEST PRACTICES, AND LESSONS LEARNED. USAID’s extensive impact and performance evaluations of past and ongoing projects are producing a rich body of evidence to inform governments, donors, and other stakeholders in developing new policies and programs to effectively strengthen women’s rights and translate them into sustainable social and economic empowerment. USAID will continue to share its research widely through new communications and learnings platforms, so as to be readily accessible by partners and stakeholders working toward better land and resource rights for women.

For more information about USAID’s work on women’s land rights, check out these key resources and more at

About the author: Jennifer Duncan is the Senior Land Tenure Specialist on the USAID Land Evidence for Economic Rights, Gender and Empowerment (LEVERAGE) Activity.