Facilitating land tenure security for women through economic empowerment

By Sabine Jiekak, Deputy country Director, Côte d’Ivoire, Property Rights and Artisanal Diamond Development Project (PRADD II)

In March 2018, a women’s association in Diarabana, a village in Northern Côte d’Ivoire, met with the village chief to contest his decision to allocate their farm land to a male cashew farmer. Though at first it seemed that the farmer would prevail based on local custom, the women’s association had a hidden advantage—a detailed ledger of all the economic activity related to the land under their stewardship. Records included numbers of seeds bought and planted, yield values, and impact. In one example, the funds generated by the land were used to pay medical fees for children at the community school. By sharing this ledger, the women’s association demonstrated how their farming had benefited the village. The data was indisputable, and the women successfully retained the land.

Handling over the cereal mills to women group in Tortiya – Meite Younissa, PRADD II
Handling over the cereal mills to women group in Tortiya – Meite Younissa, PRADD II

From its inception in 2014, PRADD II recognized the role gender inequality plays in conflict dynamics and economic challenges within diamond mining communities. These challenges stem from women’s lack of access and rights to productive land and finance, which contributes to their inability to invest in agriculture and mining related activities. The underlying question for project implementation was how to ensure that improving livelihoods of diamond mining communities result in improved economic conditions for both men and women.

PRADD II developed a “gender integration guide” emphasizing USAID’s objectives to (1) reduce gender disparities in accessing, controlling, and benefiting from resources; (2) increase women’s capacity to realize their rights and determine their life outcomes; and (3) influence decision-making in households, communities, and societies. The guide is a practical tool for promoting gender integration at every stage of the project and has been useful to monitor progress, identify new strategies, and evaluate PRADD II’s approach.

Under PRADD II, 22 women’s groups and their village leaders publicly signed agreements to grant the women’s groups access to land for agricultural purposes, engaging the village in the process of creating a sense of security for the women. With the added support of agricultural extension services and partner NGO’s, 1,600 women among the 22 associations were trained in farming techniques to increase incomes by shifting from subsistence to commercial farming. The women’s associations that showed great promise for self-reliance developed a rental pool for various equipment granted by USAID, including farming tools and solar water pumps. This equipment served as an additional source of income for the women and a service to the community. Women in the Ténindieri Women’s Association, for example, earned as much as $780 in revenue over a year through their rental pool.

Women Washing gravel in Tortiya - Sabine Jiekak
Women Washing gravel in Tortiya - Sabine Jiekak

As Mata Coulibaly, the secretary of the Ténindieri Women’s Association, put it, “We used our new skills to improve our production and harvest during the last year. We sell maize, cassava and various vegetables like cucumber, cabbage, onions, and eggplants. With that money we have been able to reinvest in creating a cashew farm. We also use the money to buy things for ourselves, without going to our husbands for everything. We didn’t think that this was possible at all three years ago.”

As a result of these empowering changes in Côte d’Ivoire, women’s associations are gaining increased recognition for their contributions to their communities. This is changing the cultural perceptions of women’s roles and relations with community leaders and decision makers, providing women with opportunities to achieve greater status and respect in their communities. PRADD II’s experiences of the Diarabana and Tenindieri communities show that customary perceptions of women’s access to land can evolve and adapt, and ultimately benefit community interests as a whole.

PLACE: Can land rights for farmers save Ghana’s cocoa sector?

The following is an excerpt from an article posted on Thomson Reuters Foundation PLACE. Follow the link for the full article. 

By Nellie Peyton

NYAME NNAE, Ghana – Since Emmanuel Agyekum took over a decade ago as chief of Nyame Nnae, a poor cocoa farming village in western Ghana, people’s incomes have fallen and his worries have increased.

The cocoa trees planted behind wood-plank houses are getting old, and produce only a fraction of what they used to.

Last year, money ran out between harvest seasons and people struggled to buy food.

“The cocoa trees are dying and it is a worry to us all,” said Agyekum, sitting in a plastic chair in a dirt yard.

Cocoa yields are declining across Ghana, the world’s second-biggest producer after neighbouring Ivory Coast, where about 800,000 family farmers supply cocoa beans to chocolate companies such as Hershey’s and Nestle, according to the government.

In Nyame Nnae, The Hershey Company, cocoa supplier ECOM and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) tested a possible solution.

Read the full story

Pastoral Communities Receive 2.7 Million Hectares of Land in Ethiopia

By Zemen Haddis, PhD, Senior Agricultural Policy Advisor, USAID/Ethiopia

After five years of hard work, Borena pastoralists received the first ever communal land holding titles in the history of Ethiopia. In total, three communities covering over 40,000 households (over 255,000 people) now have the title to collectively use 2.7 million hectares of land – an area larger than the country of Rwanda.

Disputes over land access and grazing rights have long been a source of conflict between farmers and herders in Ethiopia. Since 2013, USAID has worked with pastoral herding communities to certify their rights to rangelands, building on previous efforts that certified farmers’ land use rights. The clarification and documentation of land rights for both farmers and herders is helping reduce tensions and create incentives for investments and economic growth.

On July 7, HE Dr. Kaba Urgessa, Ethiopian State Minister of the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Resources, and Dr. Stephen Morin, Acting Deputy Mission Director of USAID Ethiopia handed the certificates over to community leaders in the town of Yabello in the Borena Zone. “We are proud to support the strengthening of land administration systems in general and communal land management in particular. I would like to congratulate and thank Borena communities and officials, as well as the Oromia Regional Government, and the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Resources for their partnership in making this historic event possible,” said Dr. Morin.

Land Rights and the Journey to Self-Reliance

The demarcation and certification of grazing land helps pastoralists manage their land with a greater sense of ownership, strengthening their incentives to make investments and manage resources sustainably over the long-term. These reforms are an important step in Ethiopia’s journey to self reliance – improving governance at the local level by providing communities with decision-making rights over their most valuable natural assets: land, water, and other natural resources.

The certificates officially recognize traditional community landholdings that embrace dry and wet season grazing areas, livestock movement corridors, water points, and other natural resources. They also empower customary institutions, through the development of  written bylaws to govern land management and ensure that all members of the community benefit from the strengthened tenure security. The bylaws recognize neighboring communities’ access to grazing areas, water points and travel corridors per traditional customs – an important step in mitigating tensions over land access and use.

Pastoral communities in Afar, Ethiopia, where USAID piloted the communal land certification program that has been scaled in Borena. Credit: Antonio Fiorente.
Pastoral communities in Afar, Ethiopia, where USAID piloted the communal land certification program that has been scaled in Borena. Credit: Antonio Fiorente.
Pastoral communities in Afar, Ethiopia, where USAID piloted the communal land certification program that has been scaled in Borena. Credit: Antonio Fiorente.
Pastoral communities in Afar, Ethiopia, where USAID piloted the communal land certification program that has been scaled in Borena. Credit: Antonio Fiorente.

The successful recognition of community land rights was the product of the collaborative efforts of USAID, the Government of Ethiopia, and local communities. Communal land certification is an entirely new process for the country. Rigorous studies were conducted and discussions and negotiations between government officials and communities were held to collect inputs in order to make evidence-based decisions. USAID’s communal land certification pilot projects in the Oromia and Afar regions helped to test, refine and expand methods for land certification to the wider pastoral communities. USAID has encouraged Ethiopian government officials to expand the best practices derived from these pilots to all pastoral and agro-pastoral areas in the country.

Laying the Groundwork

The issue of land tenure and property rights is a cornerstone for the success of Ethiopia’s growth and transformation plan. It is linked to peace and governance, agricultural and livestock productivity, food security, and conservation of natural resources. It also plays a key role in economic growth opportunities and prosperity for communities like Borena. As such, USAID has been partnering with the Government of Ethiopia on land tenure and property issues for years to lay the groundwork for this historic achievement.

Pastoral communities in Afar, Ethiopia, where USAID piloted the communal land certification program that has been scaled in Borena. Credit: Antonio Fiorente.
Pastoral communities in Afar, Ethiopia, where USAID piloted the communal land certification program that has been scaled in Borena. Credit: Antonio Fiorente.

Starting in 2013, USAID’s Land Administration to Nurture Development (LAND) project introduced innovative land policy and land administration activities, including supporting communal land demarcation and certification. Embarking on such a new and complex task was not easy but USAID was encouraged by the needs of pastoralists and the commitment of government officials to address various challenges and undertake collaborative solutions.

Simultaneously, USAID’s Pastoralists Resilience Improvement and Market Expansion (PRIME) project and its earlier iterations supported Borena pastoralists to strengthen natural resource management and improve feed and water availability for their livestock through strengthened roles of customary institutions. There were also efforts made to map natural resources, including wet and dry grazing areas, and develop participatory management plan. The LAND and PRIME projects worked together through a coordinated approach to achieve sustainable land management.

Rights and Responsibilities

Communal land administration issues still present challenges in many parts of Ethiopia and Africa. The Borena communal land demarcation will serve as a model to showcase the possibilities of improving tenure security by introducing community-managed land administration systems. With strengthened implementation of a communal land governance system, Borena will be a place where representatives from other Ethiopian communities and even other countries from around the globe will visit to learn best practices.

It is a new day for Borena pastoralists, marking a new chapter that will allow them to exercise greater control over their land and resources. Leaders of Borena communities are now shouldering an additional responsibility to demonstrate effective and accountable land administration services to all community members. We believe that the newly reorganized land governance entities will serve all members of the community fairly, regardless of their gender, age, or ethnicity. Through greater accountability and community participation, the new communal land governance system should embrace and ensure that the poor and other disadvantaged groups and individuals will benefit.

Land Matters Media Scan – 29 June 2018

Here are the recent land tenure and resource management media items:


  1. Risky business: Tenure Issues Main Deterrent for Investment – mentions the Investor Survey On Land Rights 2018 (6/19/18)
    Source: CIFOR
  2. Are Medium-Scale Farms Driving Agricultural Transformation in Africa? (6/21/18)
    Source: Agrilinks
  3. Designing the LandPKS App: Guidelines for Developing a Global App (6/20/18)
    Source: Land-Potential Knowledge System
  4. Evaluation of the Community Land Protection Program in Liberia (6/20/18)
    Source: USAID CLPP Liberia
  5. USAID Land Champion: Stephen Brooks (6/21/18)
    Source: USAID LandLinks
  6. Farmers Need to Start Seeing their Farms as a Business (6/18/18)
    Source: USAID LRDP Colombia

Upcoming Events

  1. The Liberia Land Rights Act (7/9-30/18)
    Source: Land Portal Foundation

Reports and Publications

  1. How Land Reform Can Help Reduce Terrorism in Pakistan (6/21/18)
    Source: The Diplomat
    Related report: Punjab Land Records Management and Information Systems Project
  2. IMF Releases Paper on Foreign Direct Investment in Farm Land (6/23/18)
    Source: Devdiscourse
    Related report: The Globalization of Farmland: Theory and Empirical Evidence
  3. “Gender, Land and Mining in Pastoralist Tanzania” – New Report from WOLTS Team (6/20/18)
    Source: Land Portal Foundation
    Related report: Gender, Land and Mining in Pastoralist Tanzania


  1. How to Take Forest Landscape Restoration to the Next Level (6/18/18)
    Source: CIFOR
  2. Grassroots Participation is the Key to Closing the Data and Gender Gaps (6/11/18)
    Source: Women Deliver

Indigenous Peoples

  1. 5 Ways Indigenous Groups are Fighting Back Against Land Seizures (6/20/18)
    Source: World Resources Institute
  2. Chile: ‘We Burned the Forest’: The Indigenous Chileans Fighting Loggers with Arson (6/14/18)
    Source: The Guardian
  3. Guyana: Protecting Forests by Protecting Rights (6/27/18)
    Source: Rainforest Foundation
  4. Honduras: Indigenous Garifuna Use Radio to Fight for their Land (6/25/18)
    Source: Mongabay
  5. Peru: Indigenous People in the Amazon are Using Drones to Save their Land (6/7/18)
    Source: Fast Company
  6. Thailand: Verdict a Blow to Customary Land Rights (6/16/18)
    Source: Bangkok Post


  1. Kenya: State Launches New Policy to Tackle Land Woes (6/13/18)
    Source: Daily Nation
  2. Women Call on Liberia’s Weah to Keep His Promise of Equal Land Rights (6/20/18)
    Source: Thomson Reuters Foundation
  3. South Africa: Bungled Land Claims have Created Tinderboxes in SA’s Rural Areas (6/15/18)
    Source: Business Day
  4. Uganda: Greater Rights for Women in Uganda Lead to Large-scale Reforestation Initiative (6/18/18)
    Source: GLF
  5. Uganda: A Land Eviction Portal in Uganda has been Launched to Track and Document Land Evictions (6/20/18)
    Source: Witness Radio

The Americas

  1. ‘Narco-deforestation’ May Boost Disaster Risks in Central America (6/20/18)
    Source: Thomson Reuters Foundation
  2. Brazil: Competing Claims Complicate Land Ownership for Brazil’s Slave Descendants (6/20/18)
    Source: Thomson Reuters Foundation


  1. India: Odisha is Breaking the Patriarchy, One Deed at a Time (6/23/18)
    Source: Livemint
  2. India: Caste-based Killing in India Over Land Prompts Call for Government Action (6/25/18)
    Source: Thomson Reuters Foundation
  3. Indonesia: How Corrupt Elections Fuel the Sell-off of Indonesia’s Natural Resources (6/7/18)
    Source: Mongabay
  4. Philippines: Community Takes Lead to Rebuild Philippine City after Siege (6/22/18)
    Source: Thomson Reuters Foundation

USAID Land Champion: Stephen Brooks

Tell us about yourself.

I am a Land Tenure and Resource Governance Advisor in the Land and Urban Office in USAID’s Bureau for Economic Growth, Education, and Environment (E3). Within the Land and Urban Office, I advise and manage activities that touch upon natural resource governance issues associated with a range of topics, including coastal, forest, and marine tenure, community-resource mapping and customary rights. I also serve as the Land and Urban Office’s point of contact on land governance in Asia as well as urban and water tenure issues globally.

Why is land governance important to USAID?

The consideration of land and resource governance is essential to addressing development issues globally. Understanding the complex relations between people, communities, institutions and the resources they rely on is central to responsible and transformative development. In the absence of strong resource governance systems and secure property rights, development efforts too often fail to produce lasting benefits that advance partner countries’ journeys to self-reliance.

How is land and resource tenure connected to forest and marine issues?

In the development context, the focus of tenure work has largely been associated with agriculture and rural development. Now, we are increasingly seeing the importance of applying a tenure lens to issues associated with a range of resources beyond land, including forests and marine and coastal resources. For example, in some countries, recognizing a farmer’s right to land does not necessarily confer rights over the trees growing on it (tree tenure), including trees associated with important tree crops. When the principles of tenure are taken offshore and applied to coastal and marine resources, they fit very nicely within ongoing discussions on how to improve coastal and marine-based livelihoods and the ecosystems they depend on. Specifically, using a tenure-responsive approach within coastal communities offers a framework to understand the complex layers of use rights that overlap each other in the coastal interface.

How is USAID working to transform communities through coastal resource management and mangrove forest restoration approaches that address tenure? What are some of the challenges?

Due to the dearth of information on coastal and marine tenure, USAID has worked with partners to develop a better understanding of resource governance constraints to improving coastal and marine-based livelihoods. Coastal communities are some of the most economically depressed and vulnerable in the world. Their incomes are almost entirely reliant on near- and offshore resources. With increased populations and coastlines facing greater pressures and threats, there is an increased need to understand the social and biophysical dynamics of these coastal systems. To date, the majority of research on coastal forest management focused on biophysical variables, with little consideration of the role of tenure. In partnership with the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), USAID conducted a global assessment of mangrove governance, with specific deep dives in Indonesia and Tanzania. The findings from the effort provided important guidance on specific tenure-related trends and considerations to inform future programming. For example, the findings highlighted the crucial role women play in coastal resource management and their lack of access to important economic development incentive programming. The work also highlighted the important role participatory planning processes serve in informing decentralized co-governance and natural resource management arrangements.

What are some of your biggest accomplishments in the land sector?

I consider the recently completed Tenure and Global Climate Change program to represent a significant achievement. I was lucky enough to be able to actively design, manage and guide many of the sub-tasks within Zambia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Myanmar, Ghana, Nepal, Bangladesh and the Philippines. Through this experience we improved global and Agency understanding of a wide range of issues: customary and community tenure over land and resources; the role of tenure in REDD+ programming, fisheries and coastal forest management; gender, resource rights and global climate change; and linkages between strengthened resource rights and deforestation-free commodity supply chains. Additionally, the program’s contribution to the passing and recognition of the National Land Use Policy in Myanmar was a particularly exciting milestone for our work.

Final thoughts?

Over the past 30 years, USAID has served as a leader in elevating the importance of land and resource governance as a foundational consideration for successful development. And, although there are many challenges related to land, we continue to learn more every day about the necessary enabling conditions for appropriate and successful land and resource governance activities. I am truly grateful to be a part of this work and contributing to this legacy.

Designing the LandPKS App: Guidelines for Developing a Global App

The LandPKS app (landpotential.org) helps users make more sustainable land management decisions by assisting users to collect geo-located data about their soils, vegetation and site characteristics; and returning back to users useful results and information about their site. The LandPKS app is a global app that can be used in any location around the world. As visible on the LandPKS Data Portal (landpotential.org/data-portal/), there have been LandPKS sites completed on 6 continents!

While being a global app has major advantages, it also comes with design challenges in order to assist our global users. In order to address this, we have developed three major design guidelines:
1. Simplicity
2. Usability
3. Usefulness

In order to maximize simplicity, the LandPKS team aims to minimize the number of components and screens. We aim to break tasks into manageable chunks so that users are not overwhelmed. Additionally, we strive to have the LandPKS app be as visual as possible by using simple graphics and charts. For example, in the vegetation monitoring module, LandCover, users select vegetation types based on simple images.

Selection of vegetation and cover types in the LandCover module of the LandPKS app. Users choose from these simple images to determine what types of vegetation are present at their site.

In order to maximize usability of the LandPKS app we aim to design the navigation of the app to be intuitive and seamless. Most importantly, the LandPKS app is designed and built to be useable by non-technical experts. Therefore, we aim to use minimal technical language, include question marks with brief text and/or graphical explanations, and include explanatory videos when needed. For example, in the LandInfo module, we include videos that help explain how to hand-texture the soil for a user who is not a soil scientist and may be unfamiliar with how to hand-texture the soil.

Lastly, we focus on the usefulness of the LandPKS app globally. This includes soliciting feedback from our users in order to help mold the LandPKS app to meet their needs. The LandPKS team conducts a bi-annual online user survey to gain feedback about various components of the app. We also spent a month in Tanzania last year testing the app with smallholder farmers and agricultural extension agents, making sure they found the app useful and were able to understand the outputs.

While the effort to create a global app is guided by the three steps outlined here, it is still very much a work in progress. The LandPKS app Version 3.0 is free and available now on the Google Play Store and iTunes Store. Learn more about the LandPKS app on the landpotential.org website. The LandPKS app was developed by the LandPKS Team for the Land-Potential Knowledge System (LandPKS) with support from USAID and USDA-ARS. Please contact us at contact@landpotential.org with any questions, comments, or feedback.

Evaluation of the Community Land Protection Program in Liberia

USAID’s E3/Land and Urban Office, Namati and the International Development Research Centre jointly funded a rigorous midline evaluation of the Community Land Protection Program (CLPP) in rural Liberia. While previous research has focused on the effects of individual land titling programs, there is little quantitative evidence of the effects of supporting communities to protect and govern their own community land. This evaluation fills this knowledge gap by investigating the effects of CLPP on improving resource governance, tenure security, community empowerment and livelihoods.

Developed by Namati and funded by the United Kingdom’s Department for International Development, CLPP is a global program that seeks to empower communities to successfully protect their community land rights. In Liberia, the CLPP was implemented from 2016-2017. The midline evaluation used a set of matched comparison communities together with baseline and midline data for 818 households in 57 communities spread across three counties.

CLPP OverviewLiberian ContextEvaluation DesignBaseline FindingsMidline Findings


The midline evaluation of CLPP looked at both mid-term and long-term outcomes to detect any mid-term results and to track progress toward long-term results, consistent with CLPP’s theory of change. Midline data collection occurred before all the program stages of the CLPP implementation had finished. The percentage of communities that completed each stage of the CLPP’s activities at midline data collection is presented below.

Community Land Protection Program Midline Performance Evaluation Report


Communally managed land and natural resources provide an essential input into communities’ social, political, and economic sustainability in developing countries, particularly in agrarian societies.  Many communities in Liberia and throughout the developing world use unwritten rules and norms to manage this community property. Since they generally lack official documentation, they are disadvantaged in the face of legal norms that protect land rights based on the possession of formal written records. In Liberia, communities are increasingly pressured by international and domestic investors and the national government due to the demand for land and natural resources.

Since the late 1960s, several African nations have passed laws that recognize and support the central role of communal tenure in rural land administration and management. In some instances, communal land rights have received the same standing as state-issued land rights and included the integration of customary rules and dispute resolution bodies into the national formal system. This trend is also evident in Liberia, where new land reforms provide a potential legal framework for protecting community land.

Two land and property rights issues need to be definitively addressed as Liberia proceeds with post-conflict reconstruction. The first is the issue of the legal status of customary land rights, and the second is the issue of ownership of trees and other forest resources on community forest lands. Key reforms undertaken by the Liberian Government put it on the right track to resolving these issues: the establishment of the Land Commission (2009) and Land Authority (2017) to settle the question of customary land rights, and the enactment of the 2009 Community Rights Law, which returns ownership of forest resources to communities and adoption of the Land Rights Policy (2013).


The evaluation used a set of matched comparison and treatment communities at baseline and midline to investigate whether and how CLPP efforts:

  • Strengthen land tenure security;
  • Improve perceptions of governance and increases local leaders’ accountability;
  • Help communities to document their land boundaries and to codify rules;
  • Protect women’s land rights and the land rights of marginalized groups; and
  • Lead to conservation and sustainable natural resource use.

The CLPP midline evaluation used three primary sources of baseline and midline data from 57 communities including household surveys, community leader surveys and focus group discussions. As shown below, the three counties included in the study are Lofa, River Gee and Maryland counties. Baseline data collection took place prior to the start of program activities in 2014 and midline data collection occurred in 2017.

The CLPP evaluation was initially designed to study 90 communities. However, funding constraints and the Ebola outbreak prompted the implementing organization to reduce the number of communities involved in CLPP in 2016. Due to these constraints, midline data was only collected in a subset of the original CLPP communities. Accordingly, this evaluation is based on this limited sample. If available, additional resources for future program implementation and an endline evaluation will present a valuable opportunity to study the long-term effects of the CLPP activities across the original study area.

For more information about the evaluation design, see the CLPP Pre-analysis Plan.

Land & Natural Resource Governance

The most important authorities for land and natural resources across rural communities in Liberia are elders and traditional landlords. While these customary governance structures are often not inclusive or democratic, baseline results indicated that 67% of community members felt their leaders were trusted and honest.

Despite this relatively high satisfaction with community leaders, some community members were divided in their perception of their leaders. Community members indicated that they believed their leaders were involved in illegal activities regarding community property (31%) and that they made land use decisions that favored traditional landlords or elders (45%). While this last finding is consistent with customary norms, these decisions may come at the expense of more vulnerable groups.

Community Land & Legal Knowledge

Baseline results indicated that respondents were divided on their knowledge of community property rights. Forty-four percent incorrectly stated that without a written document, the community did NOT own their communal lands.

Additionally, 54% of respondents stated that the Government of Liberia owns the community’s land and natural resources.  Given the current interpretations of Liberian law and policy, it is the community and NOT the government of Liberia that owns a community’s land and natural resources.

These findings confirmed that additional legal knowledge through CLPP could help community members more effectively claim their rights.

Tenure Security

Baseline findings also suggested that respondents were aware of threats to tenure security, largely due to unresolved boundary disagreements with neighboring communities. Approximately one quarter (24%) of community members stated that it was likely that neighboring communities would encroach on their land in the future and almost half of community members (43%) stated that they could only identify some of the boundaries of their community land.

For more information about baseline findings, see the CLPP Baseline Evaluation Report.

Land & Natural Resource Governance

The evaluation found that participation in CLPP is positively associated with perceptions of improved local land governance. As seen in the graph below, households in communities that participated in CLPP activities show a significant increase in their satisfaction, perceived accountability, capacity, and transparency of leaders.

Households in CLPP communities are also significantly more likely to report that their community has written land rules as a result of the bylaws drafting process, which about 90% of CLPP communities had started at the time of midline data collection. Households in CLPP communities also reported higher satisfaction with land rules. A group of youth in one CLPP community in Maryland explained new rules and regulations surrounding forest access in their town:

While evaluation findings show that households in CLPP communities are significantly more likely to participate in the creation of land rules, household participation levels in enforcing land rules fell across both households in CLPP communities and comparison communities.

The reason for these observed decreases in community participation in rule monitoring and enforcement could be that leaders were completing these tasks themselves more effectively, people were following the rules more (necessitating less enforcement), or that the program emboldened community members to oppose laws they consider ‘bad’.

Community Land & Legal Knowledge

There is strong qualitative evidence that CLPP’s boundary identification activities increased community members’ knowledge of community land boundaries. However, there are no statistically significant results in the survey data.

Tenure Security

To assess tenure security, the evaluation measured household perception of encroachment on communal land across a variety of actors (neighboring households, neighboring clans, elites, investors, and government officials).  The evaluation does not find clear evidence that CLPP had an impact on perceived tenure security or prevalence of land conflicts in the 10 months since the program began. One possible explanation for the lack of improvement on tenure security indicators might be that the program has not yet completed its activities.

A descriptive analysis for tenure security trends for communal land shows that fear of land expropriation by neighboring households and clans has decreased over time, but decreased more dramatically in comparison households versus CLPP households. This result is likely due to the program reviving a discussion of dormant land disputes and alerting community members of potential risks. If so, perceived tenure security may improve once the boundary harmonization processes are complete.

Additionally, fear of encroachment by elites and investors increased in both CLPP and comparison households, but this change is NOT statistically significant.  Concerns about elite or investor encroachment may stem from ongoing uncertainty around the status of the Land Rights bill. Although no concessions are operating in the study area, the lingering impact of large scale-land acquisitions in recent years may also play a role.

In contrast, community leaders in CLPP communities are more likely to say that the local government respects their land boundaries. A youth leader in a CLPP community in Lofa described how the local government assisted with a dispute with an investor:

Overall, the contradictory findings on the impacts of CLPP on tenure security perceptions indicate that evidence on this outcome is mixed and inconclusive.


Evaluation findings show an increase across both CLPP communities and comparison communities in their knowledge of formal laws related to women’s inheritance. While women in CLPP communities are more likely to report that they attended a land meeting (68%) compared to women in comparison communities (57%), their overall decision-making authority is still limited. When households and leaders were asked to rank decision-making power by a variety of community members, women ranked far lower than other groups. Though women showed a small trend upward from baseline to midline, there was no significant difference between CLPP households and comparison households.

In addition to increased participation and knowledge about women’s land rights, CLPP’s theory of change includes a shift in gender norms. Without changes in norms, increased knowledge may not be sufficient to change behavior or outcomes. The evaluation used a survey experiment to test whether highlighting the women’s rights component of legal reforms affects a respondent’s support of the reform. Results indicated that respondents were less likely to be supportive of land reform if they were told that reform would involve giving women equal rights to inherit, own, use and sell land in their community. Overall, support for land reform in either scenario is still very high.

Given the difficulty in effecting gender norms, changing the gender balance of leadership positions will likely be a difficult barrier to overcome. The evaluation finds no change in the number of women serving in community leadership due to CLPP. The geographic distribution of women in leadership positions at midline is shown below.

Additionally, while male and female leaders expressed initial support for women’s equality, they later qualified their responses with a series of restrictions on women’s inheritance requirements, such as the requirement that women must have had children or marry her husband’s brother.

All photos by Kate Cummings / The Cloudburst Group.

Farmers Need to Start Seeing their Farms as a Business

Q&A with Mauricio López, Colombia’s National Chocolate Company’s Development Manager in Tolima

Mauricio López (R) explains a cacao grading card.

In 2017, USAID in partnership with Tolima’s regional government and mayors in southern Tolima established a Public-Private Partnership that would increase productivity in the cacao value chain. The PPP is valued at more than $5.6 million pesos and includes over 1,000 cacao producers as well as private sector partner Compañía Nacional de Chocolates (CNC). Mauricio López Gómez, CNC’s Purchasing and Agricultural Development Manager in Tolima, explains the challenges that cacao farmers face in southern Tolima, and how the private sector is now trying to provide them with reliable market access.

How does your company view the relationship between cacao growers and buyers?

The company’s main objective is to reach farmers directly, and for sales to be made between the farmer associations and the company, without having to resort to intermediaries. This ensure more money stays with the farmers.

How do you sustain this relationship?

In 1958, the company created an area called Purchasing and Agricultural Development. This department is responsible for marketing the product and is involved in developing projects for farmer associations and cacao growers throughout Colombia.

How does this approach fit within the public-private partnership?

Under the framework of the Public-Private Partnership, we offer support for everything related to technical assistance, training and workshops, nursery management and seeds and grafting. In addition to this, we work directly with farmer associations on marketing.

Land Matters Media Scan – 8 June 2018

Here are the recent land tenure and resource management media items:


  1. Investor Survey On Land Rights: Full Report (6/1/18)
    Source: USAID LandLinks
  2. The Sweet Expression of Panela (6/5/18)
    Source: USAID LRDP Colombia

Upcoming Events

  1. Sextortion and Land Governance: What is it and How can it be Tackled? (6/25/18)
    Source: Land Portal Foundation

Reports and Publications

  1. Ten Years of DS Efforts on Housing, Land and Property Rights in Myanmar – An Overview (6/4/18)
    Source: Displacement Solutions
    Related report: Housing, Land and Property Rights in Myanmar
  2. Southwest Afghanistan’s Bare Land has Become Home to Up to 2.2 Million People (5/20/18)
    Source: MENAFN
  3. A New Era of Land Struggle on the Horizon – Holding Governments to their Commitments to Collective Tenure (6/1/18)
    Source: Land Portal Foundation
    Related report: Collective Land Ownership in the 21st Century: Overview of Global Trends
  4. Rural Poor Squeezed by Land Concessions in Mekong Region – Report (5/29/18)
    Source: Thomson Reuters Foundation


  1. Thinking Holistically About Women’s Land Rights (5/17/18)
    Source: Agrilinks
  2. Using the ‘Four Powers’ to Tackle Land Use Dilemmas (5/22/18)
    Source: CIFOR
  3. A Place of Her Own: Women’s Right to Land (5/21/18)
    Source: Council on Foreign Relations
  4. To End Deforestation, We Must Protect Community Land Rights (5/31/18)
    Source: World Economic Forum

Indigenous Peoples

  1. For Indigenous Peoples, Losing Land Can Mean Losing Lives (5/31/18)
    Source: World Resources Institute
  2. Brazil: Beleaguered Amazon Tribes Remain Staunch in Defence of their Land (5/28/18)
    Source: The Guardian
  3. Ecuador’s Indigenous Waorani Launch Petition to Save the Amazon (5/23/18)
    Source: Al Jazeera
  4. India: In Assam, a Government-appointed Panel Suggests Farmland be Reserved for ‘Indigenous People’ (5/18/18)
    Source: Scroll.in
  5. Kenya: Hope for Evicted Forest People as Kenya Vows to Honour Landmark Ruling (5/31/18)
    Source: Thomson Reuters Foundation
  6. Peru: Are Corrupt Politicians Behind Peru’s Palm Oil Plantations? (5/31/18)
    Source: Deustche Welle
  7. Tanzania: Half a Million of Indigenous Peoples’ Livelihoods Threatened in Tanzania (5/22/18)
    Source: IWGIA


  1. New Scramble for Africa: Is her land safe? (5/29/18)
    Source: Critical Investigations into Humanitarianism in Africa
  2. Africa’s Women are Still Waiting for Equal Inheritance Rights (5/24/18)
    Source: Landesa
  3. Democratic Republic of the Congo: To Protect the Congolese Peatlands, Protect Local Land Rights (commentary) (6/4/18)
    Source: Mongabay
  4. Why Ghana’s Clam Farmers Are Digging GPS (5/27/18)
    Source: NPR
  5. Sierra Leone News: Sierra Leone Women Demand Customary Land Rights (5/25/18)
    Source: Awoko
  6. South Africans’ Anger Over Land Set to Explode (5/30/18)
    Source: BBC
  7. South Africa: South Africa Needs to Reverse Corporate Capture of Agricultural Policy (5/28/18)
    Source: The Conversation
  8. Togo: Parliament Passes New Land Code (6/6/18)
    Source: Togo First

The Americas

  1. Brazil: Between Law and Reality: Understanding De Jure and De Facto Women’s Land Rights in Brazil (6/5/18)
    Source: Land Portal Foundation
  2. Guatemalan Farmers Occupy Plantation Formerly Owned by Drug Traffickers (5/23/18)
    Source: Waging Nonviolence
  3. Audio: Mexico’s Ejidos Find Sustainability by Including Women and Youth (5/30/18)
    Source: Mongabay


  1. India: Deadly Disputes Over Land, Environment in India’s Wealthiest States (5/25/18)
    Source: Thomson Reuters Foundation
  2. Indonesia: When Palm Oil Meets Politics, Indonesian Farmers Pay the Price (6/5/18)
    Source: Mongabay
  3. Philippine Peasants Fight for Land 30 Years after Reform (5/30/18)
    Source: Thomson Reuters Foundation

The Sweet Expression of Panela

How public policy tools and a public-private partnership is giving Cesar’s sugarcane farmers the chance to flourish.

La Panelita

Five years ago, sugarcane farmers in Cesar had few outlets for their products. Although Colombia is known for its panela—unrefined cane sugar—in this corner of the Caribbean, in the department of Cesar, sugarcane farmers have spent years either sending their cane harvests to processors down south or producing panela on a small scale for community consumption.

But the future of panela in Cesar looks bright. Thanks to a recent spur to market high-quality panela, the industriousness of an indigenous community, and a USAID partnership with the regional government, Cesar’s panela is going from local to national to international.

Four years ago, Samuel Coronel paid a neighbor US$40 for ten sugarcane cuttings to plant on some open land on his farm, located in the town of Los Encantos, high in the Sierra Perijá on the Colombia-Venezuela border. After one cycle, he multiplied coverage, and so on, until he eventually covered 20 hectares of land. A few years later, he purchased a mechanized cane mill, what he saw as a critical step to convince his neighbors of the potential of panela. Coronel’s hard work inspired neighbors to grow sugarcane, but they still needed market channels, certifications, group synergy and a regional and local government that would create an enabling environment.

Milling Organic

In 2017, as a result of collaboration between USAID and Cesar’s regional government, sugarcane growers, government entities and the private sector came together to outline a road map to build a prosperous panela value chain.

The resulting public-private partnership (PPP)—valued at nearly US$1 million—includes over 300 producer families and private sector players like top Colombian panela firm Doña Panela and the regional Chamber of Commerce. As a first step, USAID financed a value chain analysis of panela in Cesar, which identified the capacities of dozens of farmer cooperatives and evaluated more than 40 sugarcane mills in six municipalities.

At the center of the partnership is the indigenous Arhuaco farmer cooperative Seynekum, based in Pueblo Bello, which leads Cesar with an average annual production of 45 tons. In May 2017, Coronel and other farmers in the partnership visited the Seynekum milling and packaging operation to learn how Seynekum, in just seven years, went from a small-scale farm to becoming Colombia’s only organic and fair-trade certified panela producer.

“We believe that growers must stop seeing the cane as their final product, and instead see panela as a way to add value and the best way to complement their coffee crops. With panela, they have a product to market for the other eight months of the year,” says Claribeth Navarro, legal advisor and president of Seynekum.

After all, what is coffee without panela to sweeten it? Santander-based Doña Panela previously helped Seynekum reach its potential and continues to buy and market Seynekum’s organic panela under the Doña Panela label. This year, Seynekum created its own brand and is trying to replicate the model with third-party growers like Coronel. Since Seynekum has certified its panela with Colombia’s food regulatory authority, hundreds of growers stand to benefit via Seynekum. If good enough, their panela could finally travel to markets beyond their communities.

“As campesinos, we see the purchasing prices of coffee and panela falling, but when we go into the store, the consumer continues to pay the same price. It’s difficult to make any progress in this panorama,” says Samuel Coronel. “Partnering with Seynekum allows us to cross that barrier and improve production.” Seynekum recently visited Coronel’s mill and outlined what steps needed to be taken to meet the organic and free trade requirements.

USAID-facilitated PPPs in Cesar have mobilized approximately US$12.7 million, benefiting more than 3,000 farmers.
Samuel Coronel's mill.
Samuel Coronel with freshly milled cane juice, on his farm in Los Encatos, high in the Sierra Perijá, Cesar.