AgroInvest is a five-year project (2011-2016) funded by USAID/Ukraine. The purpose of the project is to provide technical assistance to accelerate and broaden economic recovery in Ukraine through support to the agriculture sector and increase the country‟s contribution to global food security efforts. The contract is a Level-of-Effort award with a ceiling of $20,605,641.
Project Scope of Work
AgroInvest will accelerate broad-based economic recovery through a more inclusive and competitive agricultural industry. AgroInvest is designed around three separate but interrelated component objectives, each supported by specific expected results under each component as illustrated below in the Results Framework.
Component 1 activities involve both a supply- and demand-side approach to supporting a stable, market-oriented policy environment. From the supply side, AgroInvest will promote the implementation of less volatile, more market-oriented policies that stimulate increased investments in the agricultural sector. On the demand side, Component 1 activities will strengthen the capacity of industry associations to shape agricultural policies and provide public education on land rights among rural landowners. Under Component 2, AgroInvest will stimulate access to finance by strengthening partnerships between financial service providers and value chain actors, including input suppliers and buyers, to facilitate sustainable access to financial services for small and medium producers (SMPs). Finally, Component 3 activities will create a more effective market infrastructure for SMPs and increase the profitability of farming through better access to markets, the development of wholesale and regional markets, and capacity building for producer organizations (POs).
Project Results Framework
Attainment of component objectives will allow us to realize the project‟s purpose of accelerating economic recovery in Ukraine through support to the agricultural sector. Ultimately, AgroInvest supports the U.S. Foreign Assistance Framework economic growth objective and four program areas: trade and investment, agriculture, private sector competitiveness, and economic opportunity. The project‟s monitoring and evaluation (M&E) system, introduced in the Performance Monitoring Plan (PMP), is designed to measure and report on progress against these objectives and expected results using 28 indicators. These indicators and their associated annual and life-of-project targets are listed in the table shown in the PMP.