This report outlines a process for land dispute resolution in support of USAID/Angola’s Land Tenure Strengthening Project (Project), which is being implemented by ARD with support of its partners, DW and RDI. The process will be included in the Land Rights Formalization Process manuals being drafted for the Project’s rural and peri-urban land formalization pilot sites. The land rights formalization process (LRFP) underway in the Huambo province pilot sites requires the inclusion of a land dispute resolution procedure that includes both an appreciation of local practices and is in accordance with the law, as land rights formalization can both aggravate disputes and/or create new ones. The process adopted needs to be relevant to communities, and should be structured, transparent, fair and lawful. The process needs to address dispute prevention as a first step.
Angola: Managing Land-Related Disputes in the Land Rights Formalization Process Including a Review of Land-Related Disputes in the USAID Land Tenure Strengthening Project Pilot Areas in Huambo and Katchiungol
June 1, 2007
Project Design and Implementation