USAID has been promoting land privatization throughout the transition countries of Central and Eastern Europe with the expectation that private ownership and clear land ownership rights will promote rural development in the region. Privatization of land holdings has been seen as a critical component to securing land rights and increasing opportunities for the provision of credit. Additionally, privatization offers incentives for greater investments in land and improved environmental management. This study has two main goals: 1. Explore the relationship between land privatization and economic and environmental outcomes in the selected countries, and examine how these outcomes have evolved; and 2. Develop a deeper understanding of the economic and environmental impact of land privatization in the Eastern Europe and Eurasia (E&E)1 region by analyzing two country case studies and, to the extent possible, extrapolate to the region as a whole.
Environmental and Economic Impact Assessment of Land Privatization in Eastern Europe and Eurasia Synthesis Report
September 1, 2006
Monitoring and Evaluation