The Land Tenure Assistance (LTA) program commenced on December 11th 2015. As part of the Feed the Future (FTF) initiative in the Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor of Tanzania (SAGCOT) Districts of Iringa and Mbeya, the project will be implemented over four years and provide assistance to local level authorities in the delivery of land tenure services under the Village Land Act No.5, 1999 and the Land Use Planning Act No.6, 2007.
The LTA will provide support to the implementation of land tenure regularization and first issuance and registration of CCROs and Village Land Use Plans (VLUP) in 41 selected villages. In the provision of support to land tenure regularization, the LTA will make use of, and further develop, the Mobile Application for Secure Tenure (MAST). In addition to these key activities support will also be provided to capacity building at both District and Village levels. Years 1 and 2 and 3 will focus on the main task of building capacity in Iringa District. Capacity building activities will then be extended to Mbeya District Council through the District Land Office commencing in Year 3 and through Year 4. The LTA work will be undertaken under four activities re-stated here as follows:
- Activity 1: Assist villages and District administrations leaders and institutions in completing the land use planning process and delivering CCROs in selected villages within two districts of Iringa and Mbeya.
- Activity 2: Educate and build capacity of village land governance institutions and individual villagers to complete the land use planning and CCRO process, effectively manage land resources, respect women’s, youth and pastoralist’s land rights and build agriculture-related business
- Activity 3: Educate and build capacity of district-level land governance institutions in Mbeya Region to complete the land use planning and CCRO process
- Activity 4: Build capacity to use the MAST application throughout the SAGCOT and
Activities 1 and 2 are the larger of the four activities listed and are the primary focus of Year 2 Planning. A detailed Inception Report and Work Plan was submitted in March 2016. A detailed activity and sub-activity work plan was submitted in March, and included in the Inception Report.