The Liberia Land Governance Support Activity (LGSA) task order (TO) is a program funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) under the Strengthening Tenure and Resource Rights (STARR) Indefinite Quantity Contract (IQC). The aim of the task order is to support the establishment of more effective land governance systems to implement comprehensive reforms to: improve equitable access to land and security of tenure for all, facilitate inclusive sustained growth and development, ensure peace and security, and provide sustainable management of the environment.
This Environmental Mitigation and Monitoring Plan (EMMP) is submitted for the Liberia Land Governance Support Activity (LGSA). This EMMP provides a framework within which LGSA addresses environmental mitigation and monitoring throughout the process of project implementation.
The EMMP builds upon the LGSA Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) and Environmental Threshold Decision (ETD), and defines in practical terms how LGSA will implement the conditions of the IEE in order to mitigate and monitor environmental impacts.
In addition to the specific conditions documented in section 3.0 of the IEE, Potential Environmental Impacts and Recommended Determinations, it is noted that the Negative Determinations recommended “… are contingent on full implementation of the following general monitoring and implementation requirements”:
- Integration and implementation of EMMP: LGSA will integrate the EMMP into the project work plan and budgets, implement the EMMP, and report on its implementation and findings as an element of regular project performance reporting. LGSA will ensure that sub-contractors and subgrantees integrate implementation of IEE conditions, where applicable, into their own project work plans and budgets, and report on their implementation and findings as an element of sub-contract or grant performance reporting.
- New or modified activities: As part of its work plan and all annual work plans LGSA will review all on-going and planned activities to determine if they are within the scope of the IEE and this EMMP. If new activities are added or substantial modifications are made to existing activities, an amendment to this EMMP addressing these activities will be prepared for USAID review and approval. No such new activities will be undertaken prior to formal approval of this amendment.
- Limitations of the IEE: The IEE does not cover activities involving assistance for the procurement
(including payment in kind, donations, guarantees of credit) or use (including handling, transport, fuel for transport, storage, mixing, loading, application, cleanup of spray equipment, and disposal) of pesticides or activities involving procurement, transport, use, storage, or disposal of toxic materials. If activities are to cover work with or support to agro-processors, Environmental Due Diligence Reports will be required of their facilities. This IEE does not cover assistance for the procurement or use of genetically modified organisms. Any pesticide activity proposed under this program would necessitate an amended IEE, including all elements of analysis identified in 22 CFR 216.3(b), USAID’s Pesticide Procedures.