Reviewing and Updating the MEL Plan
The Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) Plan serves as a tool to guide overall project performance. As such, the team will update it as necessary to reflect changes in USAID AMPR’s strategy and ongoing tasks. Updates will also incorporate feedback from USAID as well GoCAR. Monitoring, evaluation, and learning are therefore not one-time occurrences, but rather part of an ongoing process of review, revision, and implementation. The MEL team will review the MEL Plan annually, update if necessary, and submit a revised version along with the proposed Annual Work Plan. For this purpose, the monitoring period each year is from October 1 – September 30.
This plan is the second version of the MEL Plan produced in September 2019 and submitted for USAID approval along with the second Annual Work Plan (2019-2020).The main revisions are in annual targets and some baseline values following the studies and data collection conducted in the first year of project implementation.
Performance Indicators
USAID AMPR’s performance indicator table (Table 1) presents a range of both custom and standard indicators at the output, outcome, and impact levels. The table also includes all the standard foreign assistance indicators (“standard indicators” or “F indicators”) relevant to project activities. USAID AMPR will also track custom outcome indicators to measure the eight results listed in the contract plus several custom crosscutting indicators. The team will disaggregate indicator data reported by task/country and all person-level indicators by gender, except where government-provided data does not allow disaggregation.1 The Performance Indicator Reference Sheets (PIRSs) in Annex A contain full details for each indicator, including use of indicator, baseline procedures, data collection methodologies, data quality assurance measures, and justifications for proposed targets.