PRADD CAR Quarterly Report March 2010

During this reporting period, PRADD made several notable advancements in the project work plan. Most significantly, a multidisciplinary team comprised of PRADD team leaders, technicians from the Ministry of Mines, and students from the University of Bangui conducted a two-month analysis of customary property rights in Nola, the second project pilot site. As a result of this participatory analysis, the project identified and mapped an additional 1,122 diamond mines, customarily held by 665 small-scale miners. In the next quarter, the project will map the remaining mines identified in Nola and will seek to incorporate approximately 200 new entrants from Boda (the original pilot site) into the Geographic Information System (GIS) property rights database. Furthermore, through lessons learned in the Boda and Nola participatory rural appraisal (PRA) activities, the project will finalize tools, such as the PRADD property rights manual (in progress), for wide-scale replication of the PRADD property rights model.

Further Reading
