ProParque Performance Monitoring Plan

ProParque is a complex program that requires a robust and reliable monitoring system capable of not only capturing and explaining a broad range of results and impacts, but also serving in DAI’s process of adaptive management: integrating project planning, management, and monitoring into a single cohesive framework that allows for continuous learning and adaptation based on feedback and information from stakeholders and monitoring efforts. Such a dynamic PMP requires that program managers adapt activities to changes in local context, new discoveries about drivers and development challenges, and lessons learned through the successes and failures of implementation, as depicted in the accompanying graphic (Figure 1), the cycle’s steps are not linear; rather, they are iterative—all five steps occur throughout the implementation of a program.

Another key element in our adaptive management approach for ProParque relates to the process of on-going feedback from key project stakeholders and most particularly USAID. Our Chief of Party will be in regular contact with counterpart government agencies and stakeholders in ProParque’s activities, serving as a focal point for receiving and sharing information on project activities and addressing issues that may arise. Our Chief of Party will also have regularly scheduled exchanges with the designated USAID COTR, at a minimum consisting of weekly updates to review project progress and problems and opportunities encountered. A more formal feedback mechanism will likewise be used in the form of Quarterly Project Reviews (QPRs). The QPR is a whole-of-project review process during which progress against the project’s PMP, approved workplans and budgets are reviewed in detail, issues related to staff and subcontractor performance are identified, and importantly, a consultation COTR to review overall performance under the contract, identify any potential or emerging issues, and review possible corrective action.

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