This guide has been developed for field technicians that provide information and knowledge to small holder farmers who are interested in starting their own oil palm nursery. The guide provides the basic information on how to organize, set-up and manage an oil palm nursery. Farmers that have received training on how to setup and manage an oil palm nursery can use this guide as a reference when they decide to start a nursery on their own.
Why is this guide important?
It is important to set up and run an oil palm nursery in a correct way. You have invested a lot of money in the seeds. By using this guide you should be able to get strong and healthy seedlings for out planting on your palm farm so that your work and investments pay off in high productive trees.
How should you use this guide?
This guide will provide you with information on how to produce strong and healthy seedlings from certified oil palm seeds. You might already know or remember some of the important technical issues on how to raise seedlings. This guide is meant to be a helping tool that you can use if you cannot remember the best way of raising oil palm seedlings. Make notes for yourself to improve your knowledge on how to raise oil palm seedlings.