SERA Work Plan: Year 1

The Tanzania SERA Project will assist both the Government of the Republic of Tanzania (GoT) and the private sector in enabling a broad-based, sustainable transformation of the agricultural sector through policy reform. The project will focus on the current policy and regulatory environment for agriculture—from the transactional “hot” topics to the needed strategic foundational changes— leaving a legacy of empowered local institutions, capable of leading informed dialogue on policy and regulatory issues in the agriculture sector and advocating for the necessary changes.

The vision for this project is twofold: to improve the policy and regulatory environment for agriculture growth and to build a group of public sector institutions, advocacy organizations, and individuals capable of performing rigorous policy analysis in support of evidence-based advocacy and policy reform. At the conclusion of the project, we expect USAID will leave behind a legacy of enabling the GoT to initiate, develop and utilize evidence-based research in policy decisions and implementation, empowering local research and private sector advocacy groups to more effectively use analysis and strategic communications to lobby for change, and building national partnerships that create consensus around agriculture policy and monitor the impacts of policy.

The SERA project will focus all activities around priorities identified in collaboration with the Southern Agriculture Growth Corridor of Tanzania (SAGCOT) initiative.

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