The Strengthening Tenure and Resource Rights (STARR) program is a multiple-award, five-year Indefinite Quantity Contract (IQC) designed to address resource tenure issues in support of key U.S. Government (USG) strategic objectives, including but not limited to, enhanced food security as articulated in the Feed the Future Initiative; climate change adaptation and mitigation; conflict prevention and mitigation; economic growth; biodiversity protection and natural resource management; women’s empowerment and gender equality; and reduction in the spread of infectious diseases (specifically HIV/AIDS).
This program will employ a multidisciplinary approach to address complex resource tenure challenges as identified by USAID missions, Bureaus and offices, and by other USG agencies (including but not limited to Department of State, Department of Defense and the Millennium Challenge Corporation). It will provide short and long-term technical assistance that is needed to respond to the needs and opportunities available for improving security of property rights and increasing land access. STARR will advance USAID Forward’s Reform Agenda and best practice by building knowledge, testing hypotheses and implementing innovative approaches to strengthening property rights and resource tenure as a means to advance key USG strategic foreign assistance goals.