TGCC Work Plan: Year 4

The Tenure and Global Climate Change (TGCC) task order (TO) is funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) under the Strengthening Tenure and Resource Rights (STARR) Indefinite Quantity Contract (IQC). The aim of the task order is to identify and test models that strengthen resource governance and property rights as they relate to successful climate change programming.

This annual work plan is focused on Year Four, but includes a description for the final year of the project (Year Five), as field activities are expected to be closed nine months into Year Five to allow for project close-out across multiple countries in advance of the contract’s close. Year Four will continue to deepen engagement in Zambia and Burma on both pilot and policy activities. Piloting of assessment tools will occur under the marine resource tenure task through activities in Philippines and Indonesia alongside regional and global learning events. A new activity is expected to be launched in Vietnam, piloting a coastal forest activity on gender and community forests following a field assessment planned for July 2016. Additionally, private companies will be supported in activities related to reducing deforestation in supply chains based on concept notes developed early in Year Four by TGCC partners Winrock International (Winrock) and World Resources Institute (WRI). Continued dissemination of earlier global TGCC products and assessments will continue.

Further Reading
