USAID-PepsiCo partnership on Women’s Economic Empowerment in the potato supply chain in West Bengal, India: Key Year 1 results (2019-2020)

USAID and PepsiCo are partnering to make the business case for women’s empowerment in the PepsiCo potato supply chain in West Bengal, India. The partnership is improving women’s access to land, skills, and employment and entrepreneurial opportunities to increase adoption of sustainable farming practices (SFPs), performance of PepsiCo Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), and women’s income and agency, showing that investing in women’s empowerment makes social and economic sense.

Under a partnership between USAID’s Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment Hub and the Land and Resource Governance Division, this activity is implemented by the Integrated Land and Resource Governance (ILRG) program. This pilot is the foundation for USAID’s Global Development Alliance with PepsiCo, which is making the business case to scale women’s economic empowerment approaches throughout its agricultural supply chains around the world.

Key Year 1 Results (2019 – 2020)

  • 500 women in 48 women’s groups trained in potato agronomy, out of which 47% were women in PepsiCo farming families.
  • First time many women received agriculture training, increasing their self-confidence and recognition by their families and communities.
  • Women Field Agronomists and Community Agronomists recruited and trained, offering field support to farming families with increasing community acknowledgement that women can be a respected and valuable source of agronomy knowledge.
  • Innovative land leasing pilot enabled women’s groups to enter the PepsiCo supply chain.
  • 32 local PepsiCo staff and 4 PepsiCo partner staff trained in gender and women’s roles in agriculture.
  • Training modules on potato training, sustainable farming practices, gender-based violence, and gender norms change developed/adapted for PepsiCo use across its supply chain in India.


Land for Prosperity Fact Sheet

Unclear land tenure and property rights paired with insufficient or nonexistent basic services have hindered agricultural and economic development in Colombia’s rural areas for decades. The lack of formal land rights inhibits economic growth, fuels illicit economies and activities, creates violence and social tension, and sets the stage for land appropriation. Women, ethnic communities, and youth in rural areas are especially vulnerable to these risks.

Artisanal Mining and Property Rights (AMPR) Technical Assistance to Missions Info Sheet

The Artisanal Mining and Property Rights (AMPR) program—managed by the E3/Land and Urban Office (LU)—is USAID’s flagship project for addressing complex development challenges in the artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) sector. The program has a primary focus on diamonds in the Central African Republic, but is designed to provide on-demand short-term technical assistance to any USAID Mission and Operating Unit (OU) on development challenges associated with ASM. An objective of AMPR is to improve USAID programming through increased understanding of the linkages between artisanal and small scale mining and key development issues.


AMPR is a Task Order under the Strengthening Tenure and Resource Rights II IDIQ, centrally managed by E3’s Land and Urban Office in Washington.

The purpose of the project is to address land and resource governance and social cohesion challenges in the ASM sector, using a multidisciplinary approach and incorporating appropriate evidence and tools. This Task Order will support on-the-ground development programming primarily in the diamond sector, but will also explore how to contribute to the formalization of the gold sector in southwestern CAR. In addition, any interested USAID Mission or Operating Unit can buy into AMPR for technical assistance services related to the link between ASM and a broad range of development issues, regardless of geography or mineral commodity.


Factsheet: USAID’s Responsible Land-Based Investment Pilots

USAID is partnering with the private sector to better understand and mitigate land tenure risks associated with agribusiness investments in the developing world. Through these partnerships, USAID is working to secure legitimate land rights and to improve livelihoods and other outcomes for communities in the investment areas. Pilot activities are currently being undertaken in Mozambique, Kenya and Ghana.

USAID is working with Coca-Cola’s largest sugarcane supplier in Sub-Saharan Africa, Illovo Sugar, Ltd., in the area surrounding its 6,000-hectare sugarcane plantation in Mozambique. The partnership is actively striving to: build a better understanding at the community level of Mozambique’s land laws; map and record the land rights of smallholders; support participatory land use planning for members of a farmers’ association; and create an open and accessible grievance mechanism for community members. Through this work, USAID is helping Illovo implement its commitments to zero tolerance for land grabs and land rights abuses while at the same time strengthening farmers’ land rights and incentives to invest in their land. As the Government of Mozambique works to meet its ambitious goal of issuing five million land certificates by 2019, this project could provide a low-cost approach to scale community land mapping.

USAID is working with the Moringa Partnership, a European investment firm that focuses on socially responsible investment, to improve its due diligence processes related to land. In Kenya, USAID and Moringa are conducting enhanced due diligence for an investment in a veneer and ginger oil company. The company is considering expanding its operations by purchasing or leasing land and working with outgrowers, and it would like to assess the potential impact of any expansion. Given the historic, complex issues around land in Kenya and the frequency of conflicts over land, it is important to understand the pattern of land holding in the target area over time using participatory appraisal techniques. This should help to identify possible flash points for conflicts and allow procedures to be implemented to avoid such conflict. This will be complemented by an in-depth analysis of environmental impacts of the project – including use of and access to water. With a more nuanced understanding of the land holdings, legitimate rights holders, and potential environmental impacts, Moringa should be better equipped to work with the local company to address any land-based concerns and improve the prospects for a profitable and sustainable investment. Local communities should also benefit from strengthened land rights and the new opportunity to sell timber and ginger to the company.

USAID is partnering with Hershey’s and its local cocoa supplier, ECOM Trading, to improve tenure security and productivity for smallholder cocoa farmers while also reducing deforestation and degradation. The pilot is strengthening farmers’ land and tree rights and rehabilitating their older, less productive cocoa farms. USAID is mapping farms and clarifying lease agreements between tenant farmers and customary landowners. Meanwhile, ECOM is working with farmers to co-manage the replacement of old cocoa trees and the upkeep of new seedlings on portions of their farms. With stronger land and tree rights, farmers will have a greater incentive to increase sustainable cocoa production through the use of shade trees. If successful, the pilot could be scaled across Ghana to assist the government in achieving its dual goals of increasing cocoa productivity and reducing Greenhouse Gas emissions from the cocoa sector.

By promoting responsible land-based investing, USAID is working to promote sustainable economic growth and enhanced resilience. This work also builds on USAID’s Operational Guidelines for Responsible Land-Based Investments, which provide information on how to conduct due diligence, consultations, negotiations, and other community engagement efforts to improve land investments in foreign countries. More specifically, the pilots are testing the usefulness of the Analytical Framework for Responsible Land Based Investments, which draws on the Operational Guidelines and was developed by the New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition and Grow Africa. Through these pilots, USAID will develop tools that other investors can adapt for their own due diligence processes and to comply with the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security. The Agency will also share lessons learned so many more investors can build on and improve the process of engaging with local women and men on issues related to using land and resources.