Integrated Land and Resource Governance (ILRG) Quarterly Report April – June 2023

Key Accomplishments and Challenges

Mozambique: During this quarter, service providers continued to complete land documentation exercises, as well as association capacity strengthening and work to deepen gender impacts. ILRG received approval to extend support to district government associated with disaster risk reduction exercises in Buzi and Nhamatanda Districts. Partners in Quelimane adapted their program to respond to the negative impacts of cyclone Freddy. At the end of the Quarter, the ILRG Chief of Party and USAID Washington and Mozambique staff carried out a site visit to partners across Zambezia, Nampula and Sofala Provinces including beneficiary communities. ILRG partner, Terra Firma, engaged with the government departments around the development and use of a geoportal that will, once published, allow for community land delimitations to be broadly visible. This resulted in the signing of a
memorandum of understanding. Towards the end of the quarter a draft land law was released and partners were mobilized to provide input to the bill and participate in upcoming consultations to be organized by USAID/Mozambique’s SPEED program.

Zambia: ILRG closed down its offices this quarter and focused on completing work with grantee and subcontractors. ILRG shared governance and leadership manuals with partners and completed trainings with the Department of National Parks, and the Forestry Department on women’s leadership and empowerment, as well as the development of Community Forest Management Groups. During the quarter, ILRG hosted a short visit of women community scouts with the US Second Gentleman of the US, Doug Emhoff. ILRG supported the finalization of the Community-based Natural Resource Management Policy, including its Implementation Plan, as well as a final training curriculum for the Chunga Wildlife Training School. ILRG’s final event brought together stakeholders from across the country, including nine traditional leaders, generally indicating the strong support from across civil society, private sector and customary authorities for the work, as well as support from some champions within government.

Ghana Deforestation-Free Cocoa: This activity has been completed, though ILRG Program Officer visited communities that had participated in the Payment for Environmental Services approach to
monitor impacts.

India: ILRG continued to support women farmers during the peak potato season and harvest. ILRG provided agronomy training to women farmers in 11 communities and supported PepsiCo agronomists delivering training to women independently in 37 communities. ILRG delivered land literacy training to men and women farmers and supported land record updating. ILRG provided ongoing support to seven women’s land leasing groups and 11 women-led demonstration farms, organizing Farmers’ Field Days for men and women farmers. Women Community Agronomists and Field Agronomists received refresher training on gender equality and data collection. Despite challenges with seed quality across West Bengal this season, the yield was satisfactory. As this is the final year of intervention, this quarter ILRG focused on data collection, including a post-season survey with women farmers, and collecting qualitative data with men and women farmers, aggregators, and PepsiCo staff. A final event was held in May with representatives from PepsiCo global and India teams and USAID Washinton and included visits to communities and a reflection event in Kolkata. The final business case analysis was shared and followed by a policy-level meeting in the PepsiCo India office in Delhi for decision-making on sustainability and scalability.

Liberia: ILRG grantee, Foundation for Community Initiatives (FCI), supported eight communities in Grand Bassa and Bong Counties to adopt land and resource bylaws and elect leadership of their Community Land and Resource Development Committees. Work continues in the community lands protection process to map the community boundaries.

Malawi: ILRG completed field work in Malawi in March 2023. Under the 13-month project, ILRG and the Government of Malawi Land Reform Implementation Unit (LRIU) registered 8,392 household parcels: 4 percent registered jointly, 32 percent registered to men only, and 24 percent to women only. The Mwansambo land clerk continues to carry out certificate distribution, with 5,382 certificates (~60 percent) distributed to date in 14 GVHs. ILRG is working with the LRIU to try to push for a realistic timeline to complete certificate distribution, hopefully ahead of the virtual final learning event currently planned for August 15. ILRG’s field coordinator went back to Mwansambo from June 9-15 for a follow up visit to collect photos and stories and assess what elements of the work are having a lasting impact. Encouragingly, ILRG found some continuity of community structures since the project left, and community members were excited to receive their certificates. ILRG prepared 1-page handouts with project results, and distributed them to the Traditional Authority, GVHs, and CLC members, to help communicate program impacts back with participating communities, in line with best practice.

Ghana WEE: Using the updated Good Social Practices (GSP) training manual that was revised with support from ILRG, this quarter ECOM trained 1,862 farmers (808 men and 1,054 women), for a total of 2,646 unique farmers (1,213 men and 1,433 women). ECOM provided training on land rights to 1,256 farmers (536 men, 720 women), for a cumulative total of 1,973 farmers (847 men, 1,126 women). In addition to the in-person training sessions, audio training messages were broadcasted in 17 communities through radio, reaching an estimated total of 2,550 people. ECOM is scaling gender norms training for farmers into 29 new communities. ECOM trained 721 women on women’s empowerment and financial literacy, for a cumulative total of 1,402 women. ECOM supported the establishment of 52 village savings and loan associations (VSLAs) in 36 communities with 1,283 women and 35 men. VSLAs that ended their first cycle of savings-loans-repayment started or will soon start a new cycle, continuing to function well beyond ILRG’s time frame. Following a needs assessment completed in partnership with the Business Advisory Center (BAC), non-crop additional livelihoods training has been delivered to 849 women. A subcontractor is finalizing documents to support pathways for sustainability and scalability.
ECOM and ILRG gathered quantitative and qualitative data to assess impact.

WEE Cross-Cutting: Over 1,200 women were reached this quarter, and 328,000 women have been reached by WEE-funded activities so far. During this quarter the ILRG global Gender Advisor supported country teams and partners in collecting and analyzing quantitative and qualitative data on women’s land rights and WEE impact in Ghana, India, Malawi, Mozambique, and Zambia. This information will be used in learning products to be developed over the next quarter.

Madagascar: Work in Madagascar was completed last quarter with a webinar presentation to the USAID Mission. The work has continued into a second phase led by Helvetas, which as a result of ILRG support has fully integrated tenure into their project.

Other Activities: ILRG continued to develop the Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) online training module. ILRG finalized it support to USAID/Peru’s Indigenous Peoples Engagement Strategy.

Artisanal Mining and Property Rights Quarterly Progress Report April 1 – June 30, 2023

The USAID’s Artisanal Mining and Property Rights (AMPR) project Y5 Q3 report for FY2023 in the Central African Republic.

The Artisanal Mining and Property Rights (AMPR) project supports the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) to improve land and resource governance and strengthen property rights for all members of society, especially women. It serves as USAID’s vehicle for addressing complex land and resource issues around artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) in the Central African Republic (CAR) using a multidisciplinary approach. The project focuses primarily on diamond—and to a lesser extent, gold—production as well as targeted technical assistance to other USAID Missions and Operating Units (OUs) in addressing land and resource governance issues within the ASM sector. AMPR builds upon activities and lessons from the Property Rights and Artisanal Diamond Development (PRADD I and II) projects. The AMPR contract was signed on September 28, 2018, for an initial base period of three years with two option years, which were granted last year. The present report summarizes progress for Quarter 3 of AMPR’s fifth year of implementation.

Objective I of the project aims to strengthen CAR’s capacity to implement the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme (KPCS) requirements. To launch the initiative, the AMPR team conducted a gap analysis and identified recommendations to stem the tide of rapidly expanding rough diamond smuggling and to remove barriers to implementing the Kimberley Process (KP) Operational Framework (OF). AMPR supports miner education, awareness raising, and capacity-building measures such as logistical support for local KP Focal Points and the strengthening of local monitoring committees. AMPR is also designing the conceptual framework for piloting decentralized artisanal mining zones (Zones d’Exploitation Artisanale [ZEAs]) with innovations for local revenue management while examining lessons learned and opportunities for miner parcel certification.

Objective 2 strengthens social cohesion and economic development in diamond mining communities. AMPR is building upon lessons learned from PRADD II and expanding local structures and processes for fostering peace and reconciliation. AMPR supports the expansion of local peace and reconciliation committees (Comités Locaux de Paix et Réconciliation [CLPRs]), as well as their efforts to monitor and resolve conflicts and conduct peacebuilding activities. The project is continuing efforts to foster coordination between the government ministries responsible for mining and peacebuilding. Finally, AMPR supports livelihoods activities for women as part of a comprehensive Gender Action Plan to promote women’s economic and social inclusion.

Objective 3 focuses on understanding the artisanal gold supply chain. AMPR, in partnership with the International Peace Information Service (IPIS) and RESOLVE, implemented a baseline assessment of the gold supply chain and created an interactive online map of artisanal gold mining sites. AMPR organized a workshop to present results from the study and facilitate training and discussion aimed at moving toward a national gold action plan. In Y4, AMPR commissioned a study to generate recommendations for improving gold commercialization and export systems in CAR.

Objective 4 involves responding to USAID’s requests for technical assistance with respect to understanding the linkages between ASM and development issues. One recent example is AMPR’s evaluation of the PRADD II project in Côte d’Ivoire, which concluded in 2018. The AMPR project is implementing activities in close coordination with other donors, especially the World Bank (WB) and the European Union (EU), that also have activities in the sector. The project will foster synergies and avoid duplication through local coordination and regular calls between donors.

Artisanal Mining and Property Rights Quarterly Progress Report January 1 – March 31, 2023

Introduction and Background

The USAID’s Artisanal Mining and Property Rights (AMPR) project Y5 Q2 report for FY2023 in the Central African Republic

The Artisanal Mining and Property Rights (AMPR) project supports the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) to improve land and resource governance and strengthen property rights for all members of society, especially women. It serves as USAID’s vehicle for addressing complex land and resource issues around artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) in the Central African Republic (CAR) using a multidisciplinary approach. The project focuses primarily on diamond — and to a lesser extent, gold — production as well as targeted technical assistance to other USAID Missions and Operating Units (OUs) in addressing land and resource governance issues within the ASM sector. AMPR builds upon activities and lessons from the Property Rights and Artisanal Diamond Development (PRADD I and II) projects. The AMPR contract was signed on September 28, 2018, for an initial base period of three years with two option years, which were granted last year. The present report summarizes progress during AMPR’s quarter 1 of the fifth year of project implementation.

Objective I of the project aims to strengthen CAR’s capacity to implement the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme (KPCS) requirements. To launch the initiative, the AMPR team conducted a gap analysis and identified recommendations to stem the tide of rapidly expanding rough diamond smuggling and to remove barriers to implementing the Kimberley Process (KP) Operational Framework (OF). AMPR supports miner education, awareness-raising, and implementing capacity-building measures such as logistical support for local KP Focal Points and the strengthening of local monitoring committees. AMPR is also designing the conceptual framework for piloting decentralized artisanal mining zones (Zones d’Exploitation Artisanale, ZEAs) with innovations for local revenue management while also examining lessons learned and opportunities for miner parcel certification.

Objective 2 strengthens social cohesion and economic development in diamond mining communities. AMPR is building upon lessons learned from PRADD II and expanding local structures and processes for fostering peace and reconciliation. AMPR supports the expansion of local peace and reconciliation committees (Comités Locaux de Paix et Réconciliation [CLPRs]), as well as their efforts to monitor and resolve conflicts and conduct peacebuilding activities. The project is continuing efforts to foster coordination between the government ministries responsible for mining and peacebuilding. Finally, AMPR supports livelihoods activities for women as part of a comprehensive Gender Action Plan to promote women’s economic and social inclusion.

Objective 3 focuses on understanding the artisanal gold supply chain. AMPR, in partnership with the International Peace Information Service (IPIS) and RESOLVE, implemented a baseline assessment of the gold supply chain and created an interactive online map of artisanal gold mining sites. AMPR organized a workshop to present results from the study and facilitate training and discussion aimed at moving toward a national gold action plan. In Y4, AMPR commissioned a study to generate recommendations for improving gold commercialization and export systems in CAR.

Objective 4 involves responding to USAID’s requests for technical assistance with respect to understanding the linkages between ASM and development issues. One recent example is AMPR’s evaluation of the PRADD II project in Côte d’Ivoire, which concluded in 2018.

The AMPR project is implementing activities in close coordination with other donors, especially the World Bank (WB) and the European Union (EU), who also have activities in the sector. The project will foster synergies and avoid duplication through local coordination and regular calls between donors.

Integrated Land and Resource Governance (ILRG) Quarterly Report January – March 2023

Key Accomplishments and Challenges

Mozambique: During this quarter, several implementing partners were able to make significant progress on association recognition and land delimitation, but Cyclone Freddy caused delays across all activities. The Madal agricultural extension initiative and the delimitation of neighboring communities outside of Quelimane were both fully stopped for two weeks while the implementers and the communities focused entirely on recovery from the storm and flooding. Up to 90 percent of homes in the communities next to Madal were destroyed, and a large portion of crops that had been planted in the Madal activity were devastated. However, all service providers quickly took stock of the damage and modified their plans, and work was back underway at the end of March.

Zambia: In the lands sector, ILRG launched the Zambia Customary Land Administration System (ZCLAS) with five chiefs and began training customary land clerks in its operations. Partnership with the Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources (MLNR) resulted in the public launch of the Ministry’s communications strategy. On gender integration, ILRG brought together three cohorts of women’s leadership and empowerment training members focused on land and wildlife. ILRG also entertained a request from the Department of National Parks and Wildlife (DNPW) to carry out women’s leadership and empowerment training with all extension officers next quarter. Through the Zambia Community Resources Board Association (ZCBRA), ILRG began the roll out of both governance training manuals, as well as a leadership program for Community Resources Board (CRB) members, each of which is being requested and used nationally by civil society. ILRG hosted Second Gentleman, Doug Emhoff, during the Vice President’s visit to Zambia with three women community scouts sharing their experience of employment in a male dominated sector.

Ghana Deforestation-Free Cocoa: While this work has been completed, ILRG is preparing for a May 2023 communications and learning trip to examine how the momentum from the engagements has resulted in lasting impacts through Hershey and Ecom Agroindustrial Corp (ECOM).

India: ILRG continued to support women farmers during the peak potato season and harvest. ILRG provided agronomy training to women farmers in 11 communities and supported PepsiCo Agronomists, delivering training to women independently in 37 communities. ILRG provided ongoing support to seven women’s land leasing groups and 11 women-led demonstration farms, organizing Farmers’ Field Days for men and women farmers. ILRG provided ongoing training and mentoring to all CAs and Field Agronomists (FAs), including refresher training on gender equality and data collection. Despite challenges with seed quality across West Bengal this season, initial reports indicate that yield was satisfactory. As this is the final year of intervention, ILRG is focusing on data collection, including a post-season survey with women farmers and collecting qualitative data with men and women farmers, aggregators, and PepsiCo staff. The project-level Women’s Empowerment in Agriculture Index (Pro-WEAI) endline data was collected and analyzed, and a subcontractor is conducting the final business case analysis and reporting ahead of the final event planned for the next quarter.

Liberia: In Liberia, ILRG completed support to the community lands protection process in five communities in Nimba County through a grant to Green Advocates International (GAI). The community lands protection process continues in eight communities in Grand Bassa and Bong Counties via a grant to Foundation for Community Initiatives (FCI). As boundaries were not finalized in all Nimba County communities, GAI will continue support to the five communities under USAID Liberia’s Land Management Activity.

Malawi: ILRG concluded work this quarter supporting the customary land documentation process with the Government of Malawi Land Reform Implementation Unit (LRIU) in Traditional Authority (TA) Mwansambo in Nkhotakota District. In total, 8,392 household level certificates were produced: 44 percent jointly registered, 32 percent registered to men only, and 24 percent registered to women only. These certificates secure customary land rights for 42,620 people (49 percent women). To date, 800 certificates have been distributed in three Group Village Headperson areas (GVHs). To mark the beginning of distribution, representatives from the government of Malawi, including Minister of Lands Deus Gumba, and USAID/Malawi, led by Acting Deputy Mission Director Anna Toness, attended a symbolic customary land certificate distribution ceremony in GVH Chaola in March. The ILRG gender consultant facilitated a community level learning event bringing together local and district stakeholders to reflect on lessons learned during the customary land documentation process.

Ghana WEE: During this quarter, ECOM developed a 2023 implementation plan for their gender equity and social inclusion (GESI) strategy and a standard operational procedure for gender-responsive and socially inclusive farmer engagement. It also provided refresher and additional GESI training to field staff. To internalize and sustain GESI activities, ECOM is piloting the gender norms change training through village savings and loan associations (VSLAs) in areas under projects supported by chocolate brands Lindt and Nestle. ILRG engaged a subcontractor to work on three pathways for such sustainability and scalability: synergies with chocolate brands; GESI integration blueprint for other ECOM origins and a case study on ECOM Ghana. Using the updated good social practices (GSP) training manual that was revised with support from ILRG, this quarter ECOM trained 1,685 farmers (789 men and 896 women), for a total of 2,045 farmers (937 men and 1,108 women). To complement training efforts and reach more farmers, ECOM organized alternative activities, such as broadcasting messages on gender-based violence (GBV) through community information centers and organizing a community cooking competition for men. Men’s fears about women owning land and low participation of men farmers in training were key challenges. ECOM provided empowerment and entrepreneurship to 801 women this quarter, for a total of 1,147. Forty-six women’s VSLAs with 1,201 women collected a total of United States dollars (USD) 48,104 in savings (USD 5,054 this quarter) and disbursed USD 39,225 (USD 9,447 this quarter). Women continue to receive support to cultivate chili and maize as alternative crops. ECOM partnered with the Business Advisory Center (BAC) to carry out needs assessments with
women’s VSLAs to identify alternative livelihood activities for women. The BAC will provide training on these activities over the next quarter.

WEE Cross-Cutting: This quarter 96,440 women were reached, and 342,959 women have been reached by WEE-funded activities so far. The ILRG global Gender Advisor continued to provide technical support to local gender and social inclusion advisors, implementing partners, and grantees across all ILRG countries. WEE cross-cutting communications efforts were centered around International Women’s Day, with ILRG publishing a blog post on women’s land rights and participating in a virtual side event during the 67th session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW67).

Madagascar: During this quarter, ILRG supported the Major Concentrated Land Domain Operation (Opération Domaniale Concertée [ODOC]) land titling initiative carried out by the Ministère de l’Aménagement du Territoire et des Services Fonciers; a stakeholder evaluation carried out between Comité de Gestion du Bassin Sambirano and ministry staff; launch of the Ambanja women’s land rights union through association with Association FIVEDISAB (Fikambanana Vehivavy Distrika Sambirano Bemazava). Helvetas Intércoopération won a five-year award for the second phase of Climate Resilient Cocoa Landscapes (CRCL) project centered around a key component on land governance, leveraging ILRG’s technical engagement to date.

Other Activities: ILRG continued to complete analytical work related to private sector commitments to reducing deforestation, as well as on sustainable landscapes and land and resource governance overlaps in USAID programming. ILRG also continued to develop the free, prior, and informed consent (FPIC) online training module. ILRG incorporated feedback on USAID/Peru’s Indigenous Peoples Engagement Strategy from the public comment period which will be finalized next quarter.

Integrated Land and Resource Governance (ILRG) Quarterly Report October – December 2022

Key Accomplishments and Challenges

Mozambique: During the quarter, ILRG finalized its work with Green Resources AS (GRAS) in Zambezia and Niassa, and continued engagement with Grupo Madal on agricultural extension and land administration, with Green Resources on land delimitation and community management of forests, and on land administration in the context of disaster risk reduction in Sofala. During the quarter, the new National Land Policy was approved, including language underscoring the rights of communities to document local rights according to customary norms. With Grupo Madal, ingrower farmers were supported in raising coconut palms for upcoming planting. Within the outgrower areas, almost 1,000 new parcels were delimited. In the community forest management work, ILRG’s partner is helping the communities inventory their resources and plan for upcoming use of their plantation forests. ILRG supported the updating of previously delimited community lands in Ntacua. In Sofala, awareness-raising meetings were held alongside initial vulnerability mapping. ILRG is working with Terra Nossa to update its plans on disaster risk training. ILRG also began supporting the development of a public geoportal that will accept and show details of community land delimitations.

Zambia: In Zambia, ILRG convened two high profile community-based natural resource management (CBNRM) events on community forest management and on wildlife, which brought together diverse stakeholders to advance community partnerships with government on resource management. During the quarter, partner Wildlife Producers Association of Zambia (WPAZ) launched a national report on the status of the wildlife economy. ILRG continued to coordinate with a diverse group of wildlife management partners on combating gender-based violence (GBV) and increasing women’s effective participation in resource governance. The first cohort of chiefs completed the Chalimbana University Diploma on Traditional Leadership. With respect to land rights documentation, ILRG neared completion of documentation of rights within the wildlife areas of Chikwa and Chifunda Chiefdoms and completed a customary land administration information management system that will be rolled out with chiefdom secretariats in the coming quarter.

Ghana Deforestation-Free Cocoa: ILRG organized a final event in November, a workshop on the economic analysis of tree tenure. There was considerable momentum behind the imperative for tree tenure devolution, but the government remains skeptical of the feasibility of natural tree regeneration and seems to still prefer the mass distribution of seedlings without accompanying reforms.

India: This quarter marked the beginning of the potato season in West Bengal. ILRG continued to provide agronomy training to women farmers, including training on PepsiCo’s sustainable farming practices (SFPs) and potato package of practices (POP). A key accomplishment was that this year seven PepsiCo Agronomists started to deliver training to women independently, reaching 497 women farmers in 31 communities. Seven women’s land leasing groups (LLGs) and 11 women-led demonstration farms have planted potatoes and are receiving ongoing mentoring and support. ILRG partner Landesa provided land literacy training to 648 people (470 women and 178 men). ILRG provided ongoing training and mentoring to all Community Agronomists (CAs) and Field Agronomists, including off-season refresher training on gender equality and data collection. This season farmers are facing challenges with seed quality across West Bengal, with some farmers opting to plant table potatoes instead. PepsiCo is responsive to the issue, replacing seeds as possible, adjusting the cost, and providing recommendations to treat seed disease. As this is the final year of intervention, ILRG is focusing on data collection and analysis to make the business case for women’s empowerment. ILRG completed a pre-season survey in all 11 target communities and 29 communities where PepsiCo Agronomists are delivering agronomy training. ILRG continued to strengthen the capacity of PepsiCo local staff, distributing “how-to guides “on different interventions and orientation/support on POP training methodologies.

Liberia: In Liberia, ILRG continued support to the community lands protection process through grants to Green Advocates International (GAI) and Foundation for Community Initiatives (FCI) for work in 13 communities. Delays in finalizing the boundary agreements in Nimba County resulted from last-minute demands from community members for rechecking the boundaries. Traditional leaders are working to resolve any last-minute issues before work can be completed.

Malawi: ILRG has completed parcel documentation work in 20 group village headpersons (GVHs) in Traditional Authority (TA) Mwansambo and work continues in the remaining three new GVHs. Public display has begun in all 18 original GVHs, allowing community members to verify that the information collected during documentation is correct. Public display is complete in six GVHs, and ongoing in ten. Work in the remaining two GVHs is stalled due to a boundary dispute between the two communities while ILRG awaits resolution by the district land tribunal (DLT). Community land committees (CLCs) were elected in the five new GVHs and received training from both the Land Reform Implementation Unit (LRIU) and the ILRG gender consultant on the land documentation process and gender and social inclusion. This complements ongoing sensitization work by community gender champions as well as community radio programming with LRIU staff and traditional leaders.

Ghana WEE: The ECOM Ghana gender equality and social inclusion (GESI) strategy was finalized and successfully launched; next quarter, the Gender and Sustainability Specialist will meet with management staff in Ghana to share the 2023 implementation plan for the strategy to ensure that GESI activities are integrated into all business units’ annual work plans. Using the updated Good Social Practices (GSP) training manual that was revised with support from ILRG, ECOM continue to train farmers on harmful gender norms, land rights, and GBV, reaching 262 men and 425 women this quarter for a total of 1,521 farmers (405 men and 1,116 women) since the beginning of the activity. A total of 47 women’s village savings and loan associations (VSLAs) were established and trained, with 1,202 members. Over this quarter, the 47 VSLAs saved United States dollars (USD) 27,379.40 (USD 43,049.88 cumulative) and disbursed USD 24,370.92 (USD 29,777.88 cumulative) in loans to members. ECOM is supporting women planting alternative crops (maize and chili) and partnered with the Business Advisory Center (BAC) to conduct a needs assessment with the VSLAs to determine livelihood activities best suited for them and the area. To provide women with the skills needed to succeed as entrepreneurs, ECOM trained 860 women this quarter (1,003 women since the beginning of the activity).

WEE Crosscutting: A total of 12,677 women were reached this quarter, and 230,271 women have been reached by WEE-funded activities so far. During this quarter, the ILRG global Gender Advisor continued to provide technical support to local gender and social inclusion advisors, implementing partners, and grantees across all ILRG countries. WEE crosscutting communications efforts were centered around two key days: International Rural Women’s Day and 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence.

Madagascar: ILRG helped to facilitate the provision of land titles under the opération domaniale concentrée (ODOC), or mass land titling operation, in six communes of Ambanja District; the operation’s methodology has thus far reflected a commitment to upholding social and environmental safeguards like the inclusion of women’s names on land titles and careful mapping of the boundaries of protected natural areas. The long-term sustainability of the Sambirano Watershed Management Committee’s (COGEBS’s) support for resource rights seems tenuous, however, and some local stakeholders expressed frustration with what they perceived to be a lack of sufficient communication about the details of the ODOC (which is being undertaken in the area by the government, unrelated to ILRG), despite a series of radio broadcasts in late November to attempt to answer common questions about the process.

Other Activities: ILRG identified a new partner to support the free, prior, and informed consent (FPIC) online training module development. With a slight delay, the work will continue early in 2023. The PPA submitted its final activity report and finalized a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with its United States government (USG) and private sector counterparts for a PPA III activity running from 2022–2027. ILRG subcontractor International Peace Information Service (IPIS) made progress on its fourth cycle of data collection on roadblocks and armed groups in mining communities in eastern DRC as well as a series of case studies on conflict financing. Progress was hampered by a deteriorating security situation, particularly in North Kivu province, where rebel group M23 has made gains in recent months.

Integrated Land and Resource Governance (ILRG) Quarterly Report April – June 2022

Key Accomplishments and Challenges

Mozambique: ILRG supported the National Land Policy review, including comments that were made in subsequent drafts. ILRG continued to advocate for Mobile Approaches to Secure Tenure (MAST) for land registration, including a technical meeting with the National Directorate of Land to compare MAST approaches with the MozLand methodology. ILRG completed initial work with Grupo Madal and launched subsequent work on gender and support to agricultural extension and further community delimitation. ILRG also neared completion of work with Green Resources SA (GRAS) on land disinvestment and continued to support community associations on capacity to manage forests. Finally, ILRG finalized agreements in Sofala related to managing displaced communities, which included de-emphasizing household delimitation and focusing on land use planning.

Zambia: ILRG grantees and subcontractors, including Zambia Land Alliance (ZLA), Frankfurt Zoological Society (FZS), Community Markets for Conservation (COMACO), Wildlife Producers Association of Zambia (WPAZ), and Zambia Community Resources Board Association (ZCRBA), moved forward on customary land documentation and administration, wildlife management and governance, and women’s empowerment. ILRG advanced wildlife governance trainings for community resource boards (CRBs) that will be replicated across the country and developed a program to support non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to combat gender-based violence (GBV) in the wildlife sector. ILRG financed activities to coordinate implementation of the National Land Policy. ILRG worked closely with two new USAID programs to promote the use of USAID-funded tools.

India: Harvest was completed in West Bengal, and ILRG collected quantitative and qualitative data to assess results on WEE, business metrics, and PepsiCo capacity, as well as to inform planning for the activity’s final year. Due to rains and floods, potato output and quality were below expected, and farmers had reduced profitability. Despite these challenges ILRG was able to provide 602 women and 25 men with potato package of practices (POP) training in three phases with positive results: women who attended POP and sustainable farming practice (SFP) training had better gross and net yields than women who did not receive training. Average gross and net yields for women-led demonstration farms
plots were higher than for control plots. The effects of floods were devastating for the seven women’s land leasing groups (LLGs), who all experienced a loss. During this quarter ILRG was able to deliver two trainings that had been postponed because of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). A group of men
and women farmers attended empowered entrepreneurship training, and all PepsiCo staff received GBV training. A survey with PepsiCo staff revealed that their knowledge, attitudes, and perceptions related to gender equality and women’s roles in farming have improved considerably since 2019.

Liberia: ILRG’s support to customary land formalization continued this quarter with the engagement of a new partner, Foundation for Community Initiatives, to carry out a one-year grant to support eight communities in the formalization process. This complements the recently completed activities of Sustainable Development Institute as well as the finalization of customary land formalization activities by Green Advocates. Barriers remain in terms of government completion of confirmatory surveys, inter-community land dispute resolution, and deeds registration despite the completion of all steps incumbent on the community.

Malawi: ILRG continued field demarcation activities with the Malawi Land Reform Implementation Unit (LRIU), finalizing fieldwork in 10 of the 18 group village headperson areas, resulting in over 6,000 parcels completed of approximately 10,000 expected, with over 75 percent registered jointly. Land disputes are under consideration by the customary land tribunals (CLTs), and work on gender norms and women’s leadership and empowerment within customary land committees (CLCs) and traditional leaders continue to build a gender-responsive land documentation process. National learning events will begin in the coming quarter to inform the LRIU, as well as World Bank, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), and other stakeholders, on land documentation processes.

Ghana Deforestation Free Cocoa: ILRG carried out final field visits to monitor the payment for ecosystem services (PES) scheme. ILRG completed the economic analysis of proposed tree tenure reform that will be further shared in a final Ghana restitution workshop.

Ghana WEE: ILRG supported Ecom Agroindustrial Corp. (ECOM) to develop a draft country-level gender equality and social inclusion (GESI) strategy, based on information from a gender audit survey and discussions with ECOM staff and the initial ILRG gender assessment with cocoa farmers. The draft GESI strategy is going through rounds of consultation and feedback from company leadership. All 135 Ghana field staff received training on key GESI concepts, gender norms, GBV, GESI in the cocoa sector, and best practices for gender-responsive and socially inclusive farmer engagement. Curricula and materials have been developed for upcoming training for 12 management staff and a training of trainers (ToT) for 40 field staff who will deliver gender equality and gender norms change training to men and women farmers. ECOM and ILRG are revising ECOM’s existing gender and Good Social Practices (GSP) training programs to strengthen GESI content and include dialogues to shift harmful gender norms that
affect division of labor, control of resources, decision-making, and gender-based violence in cocoa farming households. In keeping with the activity’s target, 2,290 men and women farmers (50/50 balance) have been registered to receive a revised training program starting in July. A total of 39 village savings and loans associations (VSLAs) with 857 women were established as a pathway for women in cocoa communities to take on leadership roles and access financial services and opportunities for diversified livelihoods.

WEE Cross-Cutting: This quarter ILRG supported USAID to prepare a learning session for the Land Advisors Community of Practice on private sector engagement, highlighting partnerships to strengthen women’s land rights in Ghana, India, and Mozambique.

Madagascar: ILRG focused on a series of land rights trainings and field visits for the Comité de Gestion du Bassin Versant Sambirano (COGEBS). A draft of the new Malagasy land law faced considerable resistance from advocacy groups, and ILRG carried out reviews of the implications of the law for USAID to engage in the donor sector. The Malagasy government revised the law, and ILRG is helping USAID document the change and its implications.

Other Activities: ILRG subcontractor International Peace Information Service (IPIS) is undertaking its third cycle of data collection on roadblocks and mining sites across eastern DRC. IPIS has met with USAID and presented at various workshops in DRC in April and June. PPA continued its development of
a “next generation PPA” concept that focuses more on direct funding and allows members to more effectively learn from one another on implementation. The new Governance Committee will be selected in the next quarter and will continue focusing on the memorandum of understanding (MoU) for the next phase. Progress on Prindex continues with a final draft prepared during the last quarter, which will lead to two upcoming learning events. On Indigenous Peoples work, ILRG has advanced its technical support to USAID/Peru through a national legal analysis of free, prior and informed consent (FPIC) in the country, and subsequent questionnaire and webinar for mission staff to analyze their programmatic engagement with Indigenous Peoples. ILRG is also carrying out additional research under Sustainable Landscapes funding.

Land for Prosperity Quarterly Report (January 2023 – March 2023)

The Land for Prosperity Activity (hereafter “the Activity” or “LFP”) supports USAID/Colombia with the twin objectives of contributing to peace and stability and expanding licit livelihood options while incentivizing illicit crop substitution. The Activity is sustainably improving conditions of conflict-affected rural households through the framework of technical components, guiding principles, and enablers.

The attached document is LFP’s Quarterly Report for January 2023 – March 2023

Land for Prosperity Quarterly Report (October 2022 – December 2022)

The Land for Prosperity Activity (hereafter “the Activity” or “LFP”) supports USAID/Colombia with the twin objectives of contributing to peace and stability and expanding licit livelihood options while incentivizing illicit crop substitution. The Activity is sustainably improving conditions of conflict-affected rural households through the framework of technical components, guiding principles, and enablers.

The attached document is LFP’s Quarterly Report for October 2022 – December 2022