LTA Monthly Report: March 2016

Feed the Future Tanzania Land Tenure Assistance (LTA) seeks to clarify and document land ownership, increase local understanding of land use and land rights, and support land use. This monthly report covers project activities undertaken for the period March 1-31, 2016.

LTA Monthly Report: May 2016

Feed the Future Tanzania Land Tenure Assistance (LTA) seeks to clarify and document land ownership, increase local understanding of land use and land rights, and support land use. This monthly report covers project activities undertaken for the period May 1-31, 2016.

LTA Monthly Report: June 2016

Feed the Future Tanzania Land Tenure Assistance (LTA) seeks to clarify and document land ownership, increase local understanding of land use and land rights, and support land use. This monthly report covers project activities undertaken for the period June 1-30, 2016.

LTA Monthly Report: July 2016

Feed the Future Tanzania Land Tenure Assistance (LTA) seeks to clarify and document land ownership, increase local understanding of land use and land rights, and support land use. This monthly report covers project activities undertaken for the period July 1-31, 2016.

LTA Monthly Report: August 2016

Feed the Future Tanzania Land Tenure Assistance (LTA) seeks to clarify and document land ownership, increase local understanding of land use and land rights, and support land use. This monthly report covers project activities undertaken for the period August 1-30, 2016.

LTA Monthly Report: September 2016

Feed the Future Tanzania Land Tenure Assistance (LTA) seeks to clarify and document land ownership, increase local understanding of land use and land rights, and support land use. This monthly report covers project activities undertaken for the period September 1-30, 2016.

LTA Monthly Report: October 2016

Feed the Future Tanzania Land Tenure Assistance (LTA) seeks to clarify and document land ownership, increase local understanding of land use and land rights, and support land use. This monthly report covers project activities undertaken for the period October 1-31, 2016.

LTA Monthly Report: December 2016

Feed the Future Tanzania Land Tenure Assistance (LTA) seeks to clarify and document land ownership, increase local understanding of land use and land rights, and support land use. This monthly report covers project activities undertaken for the period December 1-31, 2016.

BPRP Annual Report: Year 1

Chemonics International presents this annual report under the USAID Burundi Policy Reform Program. Chemonics, along with its partners, Blue Law International, The International Resources Group (IRG), Partners for Democratic Change (PDC), and The State University of New York/Center for International Development (SUNY), was awarded the Burundi Policy Reform contract on September 30, 2007. This Year 1 annual report covers the period from October 1, 2007 – September 30, 2008.

This past year has been critical for Burundi’s efforts to build and sustain peace. The Burundian government is adjusting to ministerial changes as it strives to strike ethnic and party balance, deal with the demands of a reignited civil society and media, and move towards regional economic integration. There are several critical social and economic policy issues to be resolved in order to secure Burundi’s footing as a stable, democratic country. Over the past year, the Burundi Policy Reform Program has made important contributions to help the government strengthen its social contract with the citizens of Burundi by improving the dialogue and processes for policy reform and building the capacity of government to be more responsive and accountable.

The project faced many challenges along the way in Year 1; yet, we were able to meet and in many cases exceed project targets. Just to name a few important project accomplishments, revision of the land code is in its final stages; government and civil society have had numerous meetings to discuss critical issues of social equity; and the capacity of government, civil society, and the media to promote transparency and anti-corruption has been strengthened.


Government of Burundi

Burundi Policy Reform works very closely with the Ministry of Good Governance, which serves are the project’s official collaborating ministry. In addition, the project coordinates with many other ministries related to project activities.

Other Donors

Collaboration with other donors has been very important to the success of the Burundi Policy Reform Program’s Year 1 activities. A key consideration of project work planning and implementation activities was to avoid duplication of efforts with other donors and to facilitate synergies where appropriate and effective. This was particularly important in the land sector where many other donors were also intervening. The project worked with the European Union and Swiss Cooperation to ensure that our efforts would have the greatest impact in this sector.


Year 1 activities have been implemented by the Chemonics’ team, including field staff and consultants, some of whom have been provided by the project’s four international subcontractors. The field team’s Year 1 organizational chart is provided in Annex A.


Burundi Policy Reform activities in Year 1 fall under five U.S. foreign assistance elements: conflict mitigation, public sector executive function, anti-corruption reforms, civic participation, and media freedom and freedom of information. The annual report begins with a summary of the project’s achievement of its U.S. foreign assistance framework targets. The report is subsequently organized according to foreign assistance elements and presents project achievements, prospects for long-term impact, gender analysis, and success stories and lessons learned for each element. There are several annexes to the report, which include the organizational chart, a detailed monitoring and evaluation report, a project financial report, and a selection of important project technical reports from the year.

BPRP Annual Report: Year 2

This annual report presents the results of the project’s work during Year 2. This work was accomplished through the efforts of the project team, a number of local and international consultants, as well as a range of civil society organizations and ministries, including the Ministry of Good Governance, the project’s ministry of reference.

This report includes an overview, sections on each of the four components plus the supplementary work done on land, an indicator table measuring the project’s performance according to indicators for each component, and summary financial information. The annexes contain the monitoring and evaluation report, as well as reports and report extracts of possible interest.


A change order effective October 1, 2008 introduced a new scope of work for Year 2, which included earmarks on water, women’s leadership, women in development, and victims of torture, as well as activities related to elections. The project presented a work plan on October 31 and Modification 3 signed on November 20 set out the final version of the new scope of work, which prescribed specific tasks and expected results for each component. The work plan was revised following discussions with USAID and approved on January 8, 2009.