Rwanda: Preliminary Women’s Participation and Beneficiary Plan Part One: Recommendation from the Field

This Preliminary Women’s Participation and Beneficiary Plan contains the recommendations to help women participate in and benefit from the national roll-out of the land formalization process in Rwanda. This preliminary plan and the investigations that contributed to it were a part of the early stages of USAID’s gender assistance on property rights and resource governance issues in Rwanda.

Property Rights and Artisanal Diamond Development (PRADD) Pilot Program – Guinea: Preparatory Mission Report

A mission to Guinea (November 4–20, 2007) confirmed the interest of government authorities and private and civil society stakeholders in receiving the Property Rights and Artisanal Diamond Development (PRADD) pilot project sponsored by the Department of State (Bureau for African Affairs) and USAID (Bureau for Economic Growth, Agriculture, and Trade). PRADD is an element of the US Government’s support to the Kimberley Process (KP) aimed at assisting countries participating in KP to improve the quality of internal controls over the production and sale of artisanal, alluvial diamonds through an innovative approach focused on clarifying and reinforcing property rights.

Strengthening Land Tenure and Property Rights in Angola: Benchmarking Survey for Pilot Sites in Huambo Province

The benchmarking survey was conducted by Development Workshop in two pilot sites, one rural and one urban, in Huambo Province of Angola to provide the necessary baseline information to measure the impact of the USAID Land Tenure Strengthening Project. The survey also has provided information for training materials and workshops to be conducted during the project period.

Rwanda: Agricultural Land Use Consolidation and Alternative Joint Farming Models Facilitation: Program and Projects Implementation Strategy

The Government of Rwanda (GoR), through the agency of the Ministry of Agriculture (MINAGRI) and the Rwanda Agricultural Development Authority (RADA), has responsibility for guiding rural development and prompting agricultural transformation that increases agricultural production and improves the lives of Rwanda’s rural poor. GoR, using a variety of policies, laws, plans, and regulations has also established frameworks for productive and equitable land rights, sustainable land use planning, productive but equitable land use, and efficient and unfettered transactions in land and other property that will promote investment. This implementation strategy: 1. Sets out the existing legal and policy framework that will structure GoR’s efforts to consolidate agricultural land use and to facilitate the creation of alternative joint farming models. 2. Based upon international best practices and the legal and policy framework, describes the principles and standards adopted by MINAGRI and RADA for use in program and projects design and implementation. 3. Describes the tasks that need to be undertaken next to move forward with a consolidation and related alternative model farming facilitation program.

PRADD CAR: La zone pilote de Bossoui

PRA in the Bossoui pilot zone in the Central African Republic for the PRADD program. Study of artisan miners and the local artisanal diamond economy before integration into the Kimberley process.