Brazil: Biodiversity Conservation of Public Lands in the Brazilian Amazon

Project Countries: Brazil
Thematic Issues: Climate Change and Natural Resource Management, Customary and Community Tenure
Project Duration: 2011 to 2013
Approximate Funding: $5,958,000

The Biodiversity Conservation of Public Lands in the Brazilian Amazon project supported the development and implementation of capacity building and technical assistance activities to strengthen conservation and management of biologically significant target areas, representing diverse terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems within public lands and their buffer zones in the western Brazilian Amazon biome. Strengthening the conservation…Read More

The Biodiversity Conservation of Public Lands in the Brazilian Amazon project supported the development and implementation of capacity building and technical assistance activities to strengthen conservation and management of biologically significant target areas, representing diverse terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems within public lands and their buffer zones in the western Brazilian Amazon biome. Strengthening the conservation of these target areas, particularly those within geographic regions which are actively exposed to the expansion of economic activities, represented a unique opportunity for USAID to support conservation initiatives closely linked to securing sustainable livelihoods and the broader macro-economic, political and social changes that can determine the impact of sustainable development in the Amazon for the years to come.


  • Ensure the survival of fauna and flora species in the Amazon biome,
  • Safeguard of traditional and indigenous livelihoods, and
  • Foster the sustainable provision and management of environmental goods and services.


  • The design and implementation of biodiversity monitoring and land management plans for indigenous lands in the Western Amazon region.
  • Training of indigenous bio monitoring agents, responsible for collection and registration of systematized information related to the flora and fauna census, hunting, fishing, and use of natural resources.
  • Provided technical assistance to the Surui indigenous people to implement a carbon credit trading plan based on the land management plan for their lands.


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