Submit to LandLinks

These forms allow USAID offices, missions and implementing partners to submit content for inclusion on Your submission will contribute to the collection and sharing of knowledge and information on the integrative role that land tenure, property rights, and resource governance play in generating sustainable development along countries’ respective journeys to self-reliance. If you have questions about submitting content, please contact the ACE team at or Jeremy Green We’ll contact to you to confirm receipt and will work with you to finalize the content to publish.

Please fill out a form for each kind of content you are submitting:


Blog posts may include activity-specific stories, project updates and impacts, cross-posted photo essays, and more. USAID project implementers can use blogs to share the information on the progress they are making implementing USAID programs, projects, initiatives or activities. These can also be related to more static content, such as Issues and Project pages, to add relevant, current information. This is the recommended type for content that is updated more often than quarterly.

Submit Your Blogs


Documents generally include USAID deliverables such as quarterly reports.

Submit Your Documents


Projects with a significant portion of their budget allocated to strengthening land tenure and natural resource governance can be listed as “USAID Land Projects” on LandLinks.  Projects may be global or country-specific.

Submit Your Projects

Case Studies

Case studies are materials from which readers learn, are informed, are persuaded, are intrigued, or are motivated to action. They may provide a deeper dive into rigorous research or evaluations or provide a qualitative take on an ongoing project.

Submit Your Case Studies


Event posts can be used to promote both in-person and online events of any length, from one-hour trainings to month-long online courses.

Submit Your Events

Research and Publication

Research or publication submissions can report on policy context or key learnings, and may include conference papers (e.g., the World Bank Land & Poverty papers), white papers, or academic journal articles. Research may not be formally published; publications have been published online or in print elsewhere.

Submit Your Research and Publication

Tools and Resources

Tools or resources are functional, practitioner-oriented items that are ready to use. They may include functional toolkits, diagnostic tools, “how to” notes, or guidance documents.

Submit Your Tools/Resources