
Disclaimer: Media scans and other posts are intended to monitor and share current news and information relevant to the land and resource governance sector. Posts and media items included in the scans are not endorsements and do not represent the views of USAID or the U.S. Government, unless stated otherwise.

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Formalizing Land Through Corporate Social Responsibility

USAID is working with Colombia’s private sector to formalize land and mobilize funds to improve schools and other services. In 2020, when Antioquia’s Secretary of Education unveiled an investment plan to improve the infrastructure of rural public schools and increase attendance rates, the project quickly came to a halt, because the government is not allowed…Read More

“The world is dressing up in diversity.”

Interview with a same-sex couple who requested a joint title to formalize their property in Chaparral, Tolima. Challenging prejudices and building a more equal future where differences are respected, Mauro Julián Sánchez and Nelson Fabián Solano, a gay couple who requested the joint title of their rural parcel in Chaparral, Tolima, share their experience as part of the…Read More

A Neighbor Worth Trusting

Social leaders in Colombia are supporting rural women and promoting property formalization. When Yudy Jiménez divorced her husband three years ago, she did not know the “rules of the game.” The couple, who was married for over 14 years, tried to divide their assets: her ex-husband kept the farm, and she kept the house. But…Read More

Sharing the Gold Medal Experience

A Gold Medal This year at the Cacao of Excellence Awards, Colombian cacao beans garnered the world’s attention. Competing with more than 220 cacao samples from over 50 countries, Workakao, a farmer-owned cooperative based in Meta, was awarded a gold medal and shared the big stage with 18 of the world’s top cacao producers. Wokakao’s criollo bean–the only…Read More

Requesting Land for their Culture

With USAID support, 7 indigenous Pijao communities in Tolima have applied with the government for communal landholdings to establish indigenous reserves. The territory of their dreams The Los Tambillos farm, located in the mountains of Southern Tolima, could become a reservation or a “dream territory” for a Pijao indigenous community in the municipality of Chaparral. People say…Read More

Why Land Issues Matter in Rural and Urban Development

Municipal Land Offices throughout Colombia are providing local leaders with the tools to execute major development projects. A Town with Encanto The sleepy municipality of El Carmen was declared a National Heritage Site in 2005, but tourists did not start streaming in until 2016 when the government signed a Peace Accord with the FARC rebel…Read More